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She still couldn't believe it. The only best friend she thought she had lost was back. And he was back for good.

Jack had come to live in the same mansion that was right next to theirs.
It was like nothing had changed. It was like he never left.

Annette was lying on the bed when she heard a noise.

"Who is it?"

'its me."



"What happened? Are you okay?"

'I am okay , but you don't seem okay. Did something happen?'

"No , everything's fine. Totally fine."

She frowned.

"Alexa , what was that noise just now?"

'Oh don't worry it's just your stupid brother falling all over the place. He's looking for something.'

"Oh , okay."

'You seem tired kid. I'll come back later. Get some sleep. You really need it.'

"Okay. Good night."

She fell back and a wave of air turned the lights off and pulled the covers over her.

In a few seconds , she was sleeping.


He had asked blake about the preparations who told him that they were completed and only a few minor things were left.

As Aiden was talking to his aide , he suddenly felt weird. Blake's voice started to fade out and his vision blurred.

Everything seemed to be spinning and then he fell into a hole of darkness.


When he woke up it was already night.

"Your highness! Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? Do you have a headache?"

Blake asked him in a hurry.

Aiden was about to ask him to shut the hell up when all the knights came in the room.

"Is his highness okay?"

"I'll bring the medicine?"

"Is the plan postponed?"

"Your highness you should take a rest for some days."

"Hey you guys shut up and go back , his highness needs some rest."

"You shut up."

"Hey don't start fighting!"

"No no fight."

Aiden just stared at the crackheads before him. He was too tired to even make them shut up.

I Spent A Night With The Crown PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now