Seven | Alonzo

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 I run my hands through my hair frustratedly. I had just got off the phone with my father who is attending an important meeting discussing my board. He tells me that the wedding might have to be sooner than planned. My image is being threatened and there may be an opportunity to take down a rival at the ceremony.

My image has to keep a stable, intimidating look. It's either that or having no one, meaning no weaknesses. In that case my entire family would have to be killed. My father said no to that idea. Therefore, I have to marry a stranger so I can look like a stable Don as a Mafia leader— rather than an untrustworthy man that sleeps around.

I slam the door to my office and make my way to my bedroom. Before I can turn into my hallway, I hear the nervous, quiet pleads for help. "Please? Help?" A voice squeals soft and helplessly.

I spot my soon to be bride cowering on the floor against the wall while Buchanon and Lorenzo hold her against it out of fear. "Ricaderci." I order the dogs to fall back.

The two immediately do as told and back up to either side of me. I stalk towards the woman who stares at me in shock. "T-thank you." Reagan stutters as she scrambles to her feet.

"Cosa stai facendo qui?" I question why she is here instead of in her room as instructed.

She practically drools whenever I speak but quickly snaps out of her dazed state. "No habla Italiano?" She attempts to use Spanish to communicate.

I can't help the smirk that breaks my stone face— cute. "What are you doing here." I translate for her.

"I was just going for a walk." She bits her lip nervously without even realizing.

I narrowed my eyes. "Weren't you told to report to your room?" I question her with an intimidating tone.

"Yeah... I was just—"

"Just what?" I cut her off without giving her the chance to answer. I step closer to her. Her breathing hitches. She is clearly intimidated and flustered.

"Just going for a walk." She answers with a more confident tone.

Her confidence shocks me, and intrigues me. No one has ever talked with such a tone to me before. "You have to get back to your room now." I command her with a calm tone.

She scoffs. "And why is that?" Her tone gets even more bold. Along with her stance— she leans on her hip, folding her arms over her chest.

I look her up and down, raking in her appearance. Every bit of her is gorgeous. Just as I reach her face again, Matteo speaks into the ear piece. "C'è una spedizione in arrivo, sono tutti armati." He informs me of a shipment of a rival mob arriving that we have already targeted.

I bring my two fingers up to the ear piece to reply. "Manda tutti fuori armati. Sarò lì tra dieci minuti."

My sudden curious mood is now aggravated. I don't want to have to deal with rivals at the moment but it's part of the job. I stare back at Reagan with a hard stare. "W-what's that look for...?" She asks nervously.

I don't answer. Instead I just signal for her to follow me but she remains planted to the ground with a pissed off look on her face. "I am not one of your dogs." She rolls her eyes. Her bravery is really beginning to piss me off.

I step back towards her, letting out a frustrated breath. "Guardando il tuo tono." I remind her to watch her tone.

She seems to take a breath of courage before replying. "I don't know who you believe you are talking to. I am not some scum that will follow your orders."

Everything in me snaps. I curse under my breath as I take a stronghold on her arm as I pull her with me. She attempts to fight back but in the end I throw her over my shoulder easily. Reagan continues to fight me until I smack my palm against her ass. She stops resisting immediately.

When I reach her room I cuss out Marco before throwing her on her bed. "Don't you ever disobey my orders again." I sneer angrily, taking a painful hold on her chin. I stomp out of the room and make my way down stairs and out to my car. My knuckles turn whire against my steering wheel.

I hate how she disrespected me. That will not and cannot happen again.


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