Forty-seven | Alonzo

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 I woke up with the woman I love beside me. She loves me despite everything I've done in my life and to her. It feels so good to have someone that loves me, and trusts me. She gave herself to me powered by love and trust. This is something I can't give up, something I can't let go.

"Mhm." She stirs awake in my arms.

"Good morning, amore." I kiss her forehead. "How are you feeling?"

She merely nods her head, pushing herself closer to me. I glance at the clock noticing that it's nearing eleven in the morning. It feels so good to sleep in, with the woman I love nonetheless.

Reagan is still tired and actually drifts back to sleep. I stay for a while just holding her until I can't hold my bladder anymore. I peel her arm off my torso and unlink our legs, getting up quickly so she doesn't notice.

I use the bathroom after throwing on a pair of gym shorts, and then go into the kitchen with my phone so I can check the schedule for the day. At five Anita and Greta are coming with their group of people to ready Reagan. The Gala starts at seven but we have to be there earlier. Probably leave around six. Or maybe I'll just leave at six and Reagan can come later. I don't know yet, I'll ask her.

In the meantime, I order up breakfast for Reagan and I. I won't go and wake her up, I'll let her sleep as long as she needs. Yesterday might have been a lot for her, so she can take as much rest as she needs. Plus, tonight is going to be a long night for her. The Gala can run for a while, dinner is at eight with the dance half past nine. People socialize for a long time too, my guess is that we won't be back here until past midnight.

While I wait for the food, I feed the dogs. Half an hour later, breakfast arrives and I place it on the island. I make my way back into the bedroom and lay down with Reagan. Her skin is warm, it heats me up because it's freezing here. I've stayed here before, their heat-cooling system is always weird.

As soon as Iay back, Reagan curls up with me exhaling softly. She pulls herself over me, then I see her eyes open wide.

"Oh my gosh—" She jumps up and takes a throw blanket with her. "I'm naked!" She exclaims. It makes me go into a spring of laughter. She runs into the closet, coming out a minute later wearing long plaid pajama pants and one of my hoodies.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before." I manage to get out between laughs.

"Stop...!" She drags out. "It's not funny." She whines, making her way over to the bed, pouting before falling onto the bed.

"Oh baby." I chuckle, pulling her on top of me as I sit against the headboard.

"No." She pouts, trying to push away but gives up.

I chuckle again. "How are you feeling?" I ask her.

She shrugs her shoulders. "Fine, I'm a bit hungry." She admits.

"Well isn't that perfect, there is breakfast in the kitchen." I tell her, she perks up and looks at me.

"What'd ya get us?" Reagan wonders.

I shrug. "You'll have to get up and see."

She springs up and waltzes to the kitchen, I follow behind her. "It might be cold, let me warm it up for you." I take the containers and warm each of them up. It's silent as I do. We only talk again when I take a seat with each of our plates ready.

"Crepes and coffee for you, I wanted eggs and bacon." I state. "That is unless you want the eggs and bacon."

"No, this looks perfect." She takes a bite. "Thank you."

"No problem. I thought you'd be hungry." I replied.

She nods her head as she chews and answers after she swallows. "I'm starving." She states. "What's the plan for the day?"

I shrug. "Anything you want. We just have to be back by five because Anita and Greta's team will be here to help you get ready."

Reagan nods her head slowly. "Okay, well what's around here?"

"I don't know, we can go around and take a look." I suggested to her.

"Sounds fun!"


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