Thirty | Alonzo

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 When I wake up, I feel a struggle beneath me. The familiar smell of coconut invades my nostrils. I remain laying down, assessing where I am. All I truly remember from last night was talking with my mother then going for drinks. I must have come back into the bedroom drunk and stumbled into bed. But feeling around me, I can see that I'm laying on top of Reagan. I— we didn't... I jerk up making sure we have clothes on and we do.

"Finally!" She complains, pushing me off her and hurrying into the bathroom.

I let out a breath, collapsing back into the bed, flexing and stretching my back muscles. A few minutes later, Reagan comes back, waking me up again.

"I've been holding that all day!" She exclaims.

I snap my head towards her. "All day?!" The sudden shouting and movement making my head ache.

"Well not all day. It's just past noon." She explains. I panic, standing up too quickly. It makes my step falter and I miss the corner of the bed, nearly falling to the ground but Reagan is there to hold me up. "You good?" She questions. Her hands prob my arms and up my neck until eventually to my forehead. "You're burning up."

"I'm just hungover." I mumble. "I have to get to work." I try to push her off so I can go get into the shower.

But she doesn't let me get off, she just holds me tighter. "You should really just get back to bed."

"Is this you making your move?" I deadpan.

She scoffs, shoving my shoulder. "You wish." Her eyes roll and I'm not even mad about it this time. It just makes me laugh. "Just go back to sleep, I'll find something to fill your stomach."

She tries to lead me back to bed, and at first, I let her. Thinking it'd be nice to sleep off the fever I've honestly had the past day or so. But I can't. I have to get to work, finding whoever is stealing my money, and get the damn gala figured out.

"Just go to bed. If you push yourself now, it'll just get worse." Reagan explains to me. "Rest up today and kick ass or whatever you do, tomorrow." She assures me.

"Reagan, I can't." I grit my teeth, trying to get her to stop.

But it doesn't. "You boss me around all the damn time, so it's my turn: Get your ass back in bed." She snaps, giving me a glare that is meant to be intimidating— but it just makes her look cute trying to boss me around and get all mad. Cute. Bleh.


"Ah!" She cuts me off with her finger pointed upright.

"I was going to say I at least need my laptop." I explain to her.

"Oh." She replies, moving her hand back down at her side. "Good, do you want me to grab it?" She offers, looking up at me.

I get caught looking into her eyes. The green-ish hazel color. That beauty mark that complements her brow bone. Long lashes. Full cheeks. Full lips. My gazing is disrupted by the marks my father left on her jaw and neck. My fists involuntarily curl into a ball.

"Alonzo...?" She drags out my name as she waves a hand in front of my face to gain my attention. "You good?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to go get my laptop." I then just strom out of the room. I want to go stab my father aside his ear, but right now I need to find out why I wasn't even woken up for work. I dial Matteo and he answers after three rings.

"Ehi capo." He greets.

"Perché non mi hai ancora chiamato?" I question why he hasn't called me yet.

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