Fifty | Reagan

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Alonzo and I get into a ready position in the center of the dancing court. We are in a line, waiting for the music to begin. As soon as it does, I hold my breath and solely focus on the routine steps.

"Breath." Alonzo urges me with a warm smile. "You're doing great."

I nod my head and suck in a steady breath. "You sure?" I ask shakily.

"Positive." He spins me slowly before catching me and putting my back flush to his chest. With my hands out straight, his are on my waist moving me into a square step formation. It makes my stomach flutter. Before when we were practicing, my stomach didn't flutter too much, but now in this nervous setting, everything is multiplied by ten: anxiety, insecurities, and confidence believe it or not. I feel really fabulous in this dress.

The song continues and the only thing that I focus on is the music, trying to make every step perfect. I don't want to screw up, I'm too scared to mess up. So, I just take steady breaths and count in my head to the beat.

Another spin and he moves towards me. We continue with side steps going in a circle until I make the wrong step, almost falling but Alonzo plays it like a half dip and brings me right back up close to his chest.

"Oh my gosh, sorry." I mutter quietly.

He chuckles. "It's alright."

I recognize the ending of the song and am grateful for it. There is a final spin and the last step is a dip. He lets me fall for a moment before catching me. He stares down at me with a grin. He brings me back up and kisses me sweetly.

"You did so great." He assures me.

"Not really." My breath is quick because I've been holding it for so long.

Everyone claps, we do too and exchange curious nods at the other couples that were on the floor. I spot Evelyn and Macavity over on the sidelines watching us. Evelyn waves and gives us two thumbs up. I curtzy towards them and she smiles.

"You did very well, Reagan." He kisses my eyebrow and guides me towards the sides where there is another couple. They acknowledge us and we walk along past them and out the doors. I follow Alonzo until Remy speeds past us towards the balcony, wiping her eyes.

"Remy looks upset, I'm going to go see if she is okay." I say as I walk away.

"Alright." He nods his head and continues on.

I hurry after her and when I'm walking down the hallway, she is standing against the railing, looking down at the water. "Remy? Are you alright?" She is hiding her face from me. "Remy?"

When I get close enough, she is laughing.

"Remy?" I tilt my head in confusion.

Her laughs are cackles, like there is an odd reason behind them. Faintly I hear gasps in the other rooms but I let it go and come closer to Remy. "Finally." She gasps with relief.

"What's 'finally'?" I ask, laughing a little. "Finally the dance is over?" I chuckle.

"It's all over." She laughs— almost evilly.


She turns to me with wild eyes. "Are you going to come with me?"

"W-what?" I stutter. She grabs my arms tightly and shakes me slightly. We get a little close to the edge. "Remy, let go." I insist.

"We can escape! Bring them down together." She explains.

"W-who?!" I struggle and push her back away from me.

She comes closer again. "Nico and Alonzo." She grabs me again. "I have a team. A team to take down the Napolitani name forever." Her eyes are wild. It's like she has gone mad.

Or she has been crazy this entire time and is taking the opportunity to let it all out.

"Remy, I—"

"You can go to business school, finally be free. No rules, no constant death threats." She rambles on, taking a hold of me again.

Remy begins to pull me to the edge of the balcony, almost pushing me over. Below there is a large fishing boat. Remy called her "team", they are waiting for me to jump down and be a part of them.

"Remy, stop!" I fight against her but am distracted by the beckoning calls of Evelyn down at the entrance of the hallway.

"Reagan?!" Evelyn shrieks.

Then I'm pushed over the edge. Screaming for some God to save. I hit the water and soon after another body falls beside me, I bet it's Remy. My dress keeps me from swimming— not that it's much of a difference, I can't swim in general.

It reminds me of the time Alonzo swam to help me when we were on our honeymoon. That was the first time I wanted to kiss him. I didn't know why then, I thought it was just the rush, I thought I was going to die with drowning and all, we were not even a foot apart too.

Is he going to think I betrayed him? I can't let him think that.

Whenever I manage to get to the surface I scream. "Alonzo!" I wail with tears streaming down my face. "Alonzo!" I gasp and get trapped underneath my dress, suffocated by it.

I hear another splash and a few more following it. Something fists at my dress, tearing it off of me. "She isn't supposed to drown!" Someone exclaims.

"Bring her up here so she can get warm." Remy orders them.

Someone grabs my frigid body, pulling me towards the boat.

"Leave the dress, there is no room on the boat." Remy commands with an authoritative tone.

I am dragged onto the boat and immediately my nose is met with a swim of fish scents. "I-I'm allergic." My throat already threatens to close.

"What's she saying?" One of the men panic. "She isn't supposed to die!"

"You dumbasses! She's allergic to seafood!" Remy exclaims.

Everything goes black. 


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