Forty-one | Reagan

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A couple of days have gone by. Alonzo has been taking me to work with him and the dress fitters have been meeting us there. Anita and Greta seem to be excited with their sketches. They aren't letting me see it, but it makes me excited and anxious to see it.

"Bye." I wave to them as they leave me in the office alone.

I let out a breath and debate on what I want to do next. Looking around, I spot the spinny chair behind Alonzo's desk. I decide to sit in it and spin around. I feel like a child, but it's fun, better than just sitting on the couch and watching TV.

His laptop is gone, and his desk is pretty empty and plain. Then my eyes land on something familiar. I search my memory box to find where I know it from, then I do. It's the shell from our honeymoon. The one I just had to get and damn near drowned for it. But Alonzo went down to get it for me.

I turn it over in my hand, looking at it and remembering the moment I first wanted something with him. We were so close together and I was so nervous but didn't want him to let go.

Suddenly the door opens to the office and in walks Alonzo. His eyes went right to the couch but panicked when I wasn't there.

"You kept this?" I ask, making him look at me.

His shoulders relax and he makes his way over, putting his laptop into place. "Yes." He answers. "At the time, I didn't know why..." Ouch. "But now I do." He makes eye contact and holds it.

I blush... hard.

"So, it sits there on my desk for me to look at and appreciate."

"I don't know how you 'appreciate' a rock but..." I laugh off, shaking the nerves away.

Alonzo laughs too, with his low intimidating laugh that makes my belly erupt with butterflies. "It's more than just a 'rock'." He replies as he walks closer to me.

I stand up out of his chair, thinking he'd want to sit down, which he does. But then he pulls me down onto the chair with him onto his lap. I giggle out of shock and try to pry away but Alonzo doesn't allow me to. He puts his arms around me with his head in the crook of my neck. He doesn't do anything with it, he just relaxes and lets out a breath.

"Comfortable?" I chuckle.

He just nods his head against my collarbone.

"Long meeting? Tough day?" I ponder, with a concerned baby voice.

"Mhm." He nods his head again.

"Poor thing." I kiss his forehead playfully and laugh, expecting him to let go of me, but he doesn't. He continues to hold me. I feel awkward with my arms just resting in my lap.

I do something way out of my comfort zone and wrap my arms around his neck, resting my cheek on his forehead. It feels really nice. Us just relaxing in one another's arms. Who knew I was a sucker for cuddling.

And from the looks of it, Alonzo is too.

It's getting late, almost seven o'clock. I wonder if it's going to be a late night again. I kinda don't want it to. But then again, I don't want to move from this position. But then again, again, we could get home and snuggle on the bed and watch Marvel.

Gosh. I am falling too hard for this Mafia man.

"Amore," I'm done for. "We have to do something." Alonzo states, pulling up to look at me.

"Like what?" I groan, not wanting to move, or do anything outside of his arms.

"The gala is coming up in two weeks to be exact, and there is an annual dance you still have to learn." Alonzo explains to me.

I panic as I think about this kind of setting I'd be in. That just screams 'uncomfortable'. I can't dance. I've never even been to a dance. All the school dances I'd skip out on. I'd need to have some skyrocketing self-confidence to get through something like that.

I press my lips into a fine line. "What if I just sat out for that?" I suggest, wanting to risk any embarrassment.

He raises a brow towards me. "Absolutely not. You'll be with me on that dancing court, wearing your amazing dress, looking as beautiful and sexy as ever, whether you like it or not."

I blush hard again. "What if I just mess it up?"

"You won't. And so what if you do?" He brushes off. He stands up, lifting me to my feet and setting me down. "Let me show you how."

Alonzo turns on some music that is soothing and flowing. It shows signs of a cello and piano. I have always been fascinated by the cello. My parents offered to buy me one so I can learn, but I turned it down, thinking it'd be better just to listen to it.

Alonzo puts a hand on my hip and stands to the side so our bodies are in a line. He puts my hand on his shoulder closest to me and we sit there for a second as Alonzo tells me what the next step in the dance is. I get it the first try— but that is the only move I get right the rest of the "practice".

"This is hard." I whine with my hands on his shoulders just coming back from a spin.

"Tell me about it." He laughs. "But I think it's time to call it a night. We got through just about half."

"Only half?!" I exclaim, out of breath.

He chuckles. "Yup, only half. But I think we can call it a night and go home."

I nod happily agreeing with him.

By the time we get home, it's close to nine at night. Without fail, Alonzo leads me to the kitchen first and feeds me a meal before we head to the bedroom where we are met by Lorenzo and Buchanon. Neither of them have a collar on still which I am grateful for. I hated that Nico was hurting them. Hurt me, yeah go for it. But don't hurt the doggos. They didn't do anything. That pissed me off the most that evening. How he had such a hold on the dogs without lifting a finger.

"What are you thinking about?" Alonzo asks me.

"Nothin'. Just so tired." I complain as we make it to our bedroom, thankfully once again not seeing Nico on the way up.

I don't even shower, I just change into some pajama shorts and a t-shirt and lay right into bed while Alonzo showers. I damn near passed out, I don't even know why. I barely did anything today— well I did more than I've done in a while. Gosh I'm so lazy nowadays.

I vaguely remember waking up long enough to get a kiss from Alonzo as he lays down next to me, pulling me into him. Then I'm out cold.


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