Thirty-two | Alonzo

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 The rest of the day, the smallest things set me off. I was excluded in my office all day, hoping for peace and quiet to calm me down. But instead, everyone felt the need to pay a visit today. Just person after person. No one could get the hint. I'd have to threaten them enough to get out.

It's really late by the time I step out of my office. I need to get away for the night and get some rest. Although when I get home, Reagan will be there. Knowing her as much as I do, she'll be pissed no doubt.

I'm so disgusted with myself that I layed a hurtful hand on her. I wasn't even angry at her. I was pissed that my father raised his voice at her. That is what "embarrassed" me. The fact that my father tried to take control again. And I took it out on her. Shame on me. I couldn't even look at her when we arrived back home.

I'll have to face her sooner or later. Look at me. Che cazzo. What has this girl done to me? When have I ever cared about what happens after an argument. A part of me is "nervous" to go to the house and see her. God, just man up.

I shake my head to rid it of the weird nerves as I drive home. Driving is one way that I can always trust will clear my mind. Always. I drive nice and fast down the long way home just to give myself extra time to calm down. A nice long car ride is something I always look forward to. The only thing I hate is when it ends. When it ends I have to go back to reality.

Reality always comes far too quickly.

Before I know it, I'm pulling into the garage. It's just about midnight, maybe she'll be asleep. Hopefully, she will me asleep. I pray for it as I walk through the front doors and as slowly as I can, I walk to the bedroom. When I arrive, I suck in a breath before opening the door. I make my way into the room, shutting the door behind me. Looking onto the bed, I see Reagan underneath the covers with two familiar lumps underneath with her. I walk into the bathroom and strip my clothes as quietly as I can, and change into a pair of gym shorts.

I walk back into the bedroom, and get underneath the covers. Lorenzo pokes his head up looking at me before putting it back down. I lay back into the pillows, thankful that Reagan is asleep. 


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