Fourteen | Alonzo

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 Finally out on the water, with hopefully no responsibilities for a long time. Now that I have a break, I want to spend it with my dogs. I go to my room which is across the way from Reagan's, opening it hoping to find Lorenzo and Buchanon. But they are nowhere to be seen.

I know they walked onto the boat with me. I walk around quickly to each room to find them. They are good dogs. They know to listen. Why would they disobey orders and leave their post?

Every room has been searched. And no sign of them. I look again in each room but nothing, calling for them with no answer. They don't really like to be out on the deck, so it's a very little possibility that they are there.

Wait— Where is Reagan? I looked in every room at least three times and the only people I've seen are the cooks, and the two drivers. Maybe she has seen them?

Not that I know her whatsoever, I bet she is out on the deck, basking in the sun. Looking at the back deck, she is not there, I look in the sides of the ship and nothing. The front deck is all that is left and of course, she is laying on a sun bed reading a book with my two dogs at her side.

Buchanon and Lorenzo look calm. Laying on the floor, loving the feeling of the hot sun on their dark coat. How did she get them to come here? The sight of open water tends to make them sick. I only brought them because I wasn't planning on coming out to the deck much either.

Reagan is so focused on her book that she doesn't even notice me here. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaims. "Elizabeth and Darcy's relationship is so toxic!" She explains to the dogs. Fed up and frustrated with the classic novel, she closes the pages around a bookmark, setting it down. She holds her hands out and immediately Lorenzo and Buchanon hurry up to them for pets.

Buchanon and Lorenzo don't typically get pets or affection from anyone other than me. They absolutely despise everyone in the house apart from me and my mother— whom they only tolerate.

Lorenzo notices me and walks over while Buchanon sees me but remains with Reagan. She glances over, letting out a startled gasp noticing me at last. "Creeper." She mutters under her breath. "How long have you been standing there?" Reagan asks, standing up.

I furrow my brows. "Not long." I look her up and down as she stands there. I don't think she realizes when she gets nervous under my gaze she leans on one hip, pushing her ass to one side. She pulls the sunglasses off her face, holding them between her fingers at her side. Her thick thighs flow into toned calves. I can tell she has muscle, and that she works out. Her curves and thickness are all in the right places.

"Stop looking at me." She scoffs, grabbing her book and going to walk past me, annoyed.

"I can look at you whenever I want." I spit.

A small shocked squeak comes past her lips. She turns around to face me. "No, no you cannot." She counters.

I step close to her so her chest is touching just below mine. "Yes. Yes I can." I say with a low voice, looking down at her.

Reagan furrows her brows angrily. She was about to say something but she decided against it and turns away. I didn't stop her this time but Buchanon was on his way to follow her. He looks back at me and I chuckle, nodding my head so he knows that he can go with her. He gets all giddy and follows behind her.

Lorenzo remains at my side loyally, not drugged into Reagan's touch. "Dai Lorenzo." I say to him as I walk to the side of the deck. Lorenzo follows and walks behind me.
[Translation: Come on, Lorenzo.]

It's almost dinner time, and I'm beginning to smell the food starting to cook. I make my way to my bedroom, glancing at Reagan's room to see her door opened enough for me to see her pulling a crew neck over a bra before I just go into my room to change as well. It gets chilly at night, so I change into sweatpants and a hoodie. Just as I am fully dressed, an announcement rings out through the speakers.

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