Day Two : Part One

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(A/n: So I'm going to be throwing in a lot of medical mumbo jumbo that I barely know myself.😅 Sorry, but you'll have to refer to Google at one moment.)

Word count →_→ 1421 words


He was alone. It was dark. It was cold.

Why was it so cold? Were they already in winter? That didn't make sense. They were months away from winter and yet it felt so cold.

He woke with a start. He could see sunlight seeping through the blinds and yet even with the evidence of warmth, he felt ice cold. He pulled his blankets around him.

Was this what it felt like to be Covid 19 positive?

Wasn't it a little too soon for him to be sick?

"Good morning, Alex." Came Misty's voice as she made her way into his room. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm cold." He replied, as his body shivered.

"Well, your temperature has gone up. A little too soon if you ask me, but it's nothing we can't manage." Misty said as she took out a syringe and injected the medicine into his IV. "I've injected you with an antibiotic mixed with some pain killers to manage your temperature and manage the pain. I'll be keeping an eye on the blood oxygen levels for an hour or so before the doc arrives and begins the treatment."

Alex didn't respond as he waited for the pain killers to start working so he could stop feeling so cold.

"I'll bring in breakfast. I hope you like some Muesli with yoghurt." She said with a knowing smile.

"I hate muesli, and oats, and anything grain related." He complained.

"Well, sorry. Doc says you need to have a balanced diet to boost your immune system." Misty said with an apologetic smile.

"Of course he does." Alex said feeling absolutely miserable.

Misty left for a few minutes before she came rolling in his tray to deliver his breakfast.

"I'll see you in a few." She said as she uncovered the platter and left him to eat.

"Bon Appetit." He said sarcastically as he brought a spoonful of muesli to his mouth.

Slowly, he braved the meal, finishing it all, albeit with difficulty.

Misty came back to collect the empty plates but this time she came back with Emilia who was carrying a clipboard with her this time.

"Hey, Neo. How are you doing this morning?" She asked with a friendly smile.

"As you can see, Diana. I'm wallowing in my misery eating grain like a cow." He replied with a sad smile although he was quite glad to see her.

Misty looked between, trying to understand what the hell they were talking about but decided to leave them to it when she realized she couldn't.

"I'll leave you two for now." She said, eyeing them suspiciously before she left.

Emilia waited before she threw him a breakfast burrito.

"Don't tell the warden. That thing's chucked full of egg and sausage, all things diabetes." She said with a naughty smile.

"Wow, you are a life saver. How'd you know?" He asked in awe.

"Well, I always carry snacks around. Force of habit." She said with a far away look and a fond smile. "My son Jesse is always pestering me for one."

"You have a son?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah. He's two years old. And a real sweetheart." She replied.

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