Day zero : Part One

130 16 47

Word count →_→1159 words

Doctor Daniel Rudolph was many things. Prideful being one of them which was why he was having a hard time keeping his cool whilst explaining  himself to the World Health Organization's Board of Directors, or as he called them, the Board of absolute nitwits who knew nothing of the science they claimed to represent.

In his mind, his presentation was self explanatory. He found a potential cure for the Coronavirus. Now he needed to run clinical trials before the drug was good to go. What was so complicated about that? Was this not what this very Board had been striving for since December 2019 when the virus first struck in Wuhan? They should be on their knees thanking him not asking stupid questions.

Besides, he wasn't a rookie in the field. He had developed some of the most successful cancer treatments and very recently he had come up with one drug that had revolutionized treatment for Alzheimer's.

This was why Doctor Daniel  Rudolph was feeling a little offended by the Board's uncertainty with his presentation.

"So, if I understand correctly Doctor Rudolph, you're saying that this drug of yours is still in development? You've yet to test it?"

Daniel turned his attention to the plump sandy haired man who had spoken these words. Thomas Harley was supposed to be a legend in his field but looking upon him, Daniel couldn't see it. However, the man was a Director and he was inclined to entertain his stupidity.

"No, Tom. I believe what I said is there have been some tests carried out with species whose genetic structure closely resembles that of the average human being. The results were quite pleasing." He said, trying to sound as polite as possible as he tried to make the man's pea sized brain understand him. "Yes we hope to move on to human trials but based on the results we already got from the previous trials, there is no reason why the results would differ from the original ones.

I expect this drug to be a success. No more face masks. No hand sanitizers. You won't even need that vaccine booster they've been nagging you about. Think about it. The world will go back to the way it was before the pandemic hit us. One day we'll even laugh about it as we roast some marshmallows with our grandkids over a campfire.

The world economy has suffered for far too long, it's time we put it back on track and allow our populations to bloom once more."

There was a hush as the directors turned to one another but he had expected it. Daniel knew his project would be a winner from the very beginning.

"You sound quite confident, Doctor Rudolph." Came a feminine voice. It was Doctor Natalia Giovanni.

She was a world famous Neurologist turned President for her country and on top of being a board member of WHO, Doctor Giovanni served as the UN Secretary. A well accomplished woman in her late forties who was known for her ruthlessness. Her fierce red hair was pulled back in a bun with streaks of gray adding to her sophistication. Her green eyes eyes stared straight into his gray ones.

Of all the people in the room, Doctor Rudolph had respect only for her. He just needed to win her over and the rest would fall for him like a pile of Legos.

"I am very confident, Doctor Giovanni." He replied.

"Hm, well I've read your report. It says here that you are yet to acquire your test subject." She said as she scanned the papers that were in front of her. "How soon can that problem be dealt with?"

"Well, Madam secretary, you have no need to worry. I have one of my best men working on it as we speak. We should have someone by end of day today." Daniel stated confidently.

"You misunderstand me, Doctor Rudolph. Frankly, I could give a damn about your test subject. It's your enthusiasm that worries me." The woman said bluntly as she clasped her hands together in front of her. "You are so desperate to convince this Board to give your drug the thumbs up so much that you have already told yourself that it's a success. Your pride will be your downfall, Daniel."

"You misjudged me, ma'am." Daniel began but Natalia raised her hand to silence him.

"I merely criticize your rationality. There's no need to fret, Doctor Rudolph. This Board has considered your case. We will allow you to carry out your clinical trials but they shall be carried out under strict supervision from this Board. We will assign a few officers in conjunction with the CDC and Disaster Management to ensure the trials are carried out under the proper procedures." Giovanni finally said.

"Thank you Madam Giovanni, you will not regret this decision." Daniel said happily.

"I hope I won't." Natalia said as she rubbed her temple. "Your new team will be dispatched to you first thing tomorrow morning. Good luck and God speed."


As Daniel Rudolph made his way back to his new base, he dialed his cellphone.

"Hey bro, what's up?" Came his brother's voice after the first ring.

"Rowen. Please tell me you have good news." Daniel said, as he maneuvered the curvy mountain side road.

"I have their location. The targets are on their way home right now." Rowen replied. "I'll be heading over to them."

"I hope you can convince them." Daniel said to him, his voice suddenly filled with uncertainty.

"I have to. Or you'll be screwed over with the Board for wasting their time and that of the UN." Rowen said before he hung up.

As much as he had told the Board that he would have a test subject, he was not quite confident that his friend and partner, Doctor Eli Bossing, was good with people skills. In the end, they had failed to convince people to volunteer for the program.

Which was how he had decided to take a new approach. He hated himself for having ever thought about it but it was for the greater good. To ease his conscious, he had sort the help of his brother Rowen, who was a former special forces officer, and had located the Maxwells.

It had been Rowen's suggestion. Janice Maxwell had been a decorated soldier with the Marines. A true Patriot until one mission, for an unknown reason, Sergeant Janice Maxwell had sold out his entire team to the enemy. He had disappeared without a trace after that. Not only was he a traitor, he had deserted his post as well.

After that, his wife and son had been closely monitored by government intelligence to see if he would communicate with them. No one had thought about how it would affect them especially since his son had only been six years old.

Daniel took a deep breath as he saw the base appear in sight. He hated himself for it, but it was a necessary sacrifice for the good of mankind. He just hoped Rowen would be able to get the job done.

 He just hoped Rowen would be able to get the job done

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