PROLOGUE - Everything has a start

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The sun beats down on the earth relentlessly. Its scorching heat continues to hit all corners of the world. Light reflected off the skyscrapers, people gathered in the park at the same time playing on the lush green grass, at the same time many beautiful flowers are blooming in the vicinity.

It was such an eye-catching sight.

But unfortunately a loud bang from a shockwave had to be interrupt said peace and calm state, followed by an explosion in the middle of the streets adding to the chaos that would soon envelope the whole city.

Alarms went off and danger warnings sounded around the city.

"Report, for the residents to please remain calm and immediately walk in an orderly manner towards the evacuation route, now please follow the glowing path on the road. Launching drone units to hinder the beasts, immediate request for the nearest Valkyrie units around, use all necessary means to protect every citizens"

Dust flew everwhere, behind the dusts and smoke appeared a dashing figure, its white body with several purple stripes, two large wings on its sides, along with a shield and a spear attached to its body.

The Templar class Honkai beast.

Followed by the Templar, many smaller creatures were flying around with a halo ring on top of them, it was( none other than the, Seraph-Class Honkai Beast, Arcangel.

Every transit system in operation stops instantly, a scream followed by mass panic erupted, people ran for their lives. But a little girl fell right in front of the monster. Unable to move she could only continue to cry.


As the mindless beast advanced towards the girl, a man rushed to the scene, he frantically headed towards the child.

The beast raised its sharp lance... As if time stood still, it then swung it down without any mercy.


The girl was found nowhere near the location of the impact. The beats looks around only to find a hooded girl stole her prey right in front of its own eyes. Once the girl let the Father and Daughter had a time to escape, the girl turned her back to face the death.

"Take the nearest evacuation route, several Valkryies should be stationed there" the girl said to the man.

"Thank you big sis!"

"...*sigh Shouldn't everyone have been evacuated already? Plus, she called me a big sis... Oh crap i forgot, Bunny ball"

as she said that, a floating drone with two bunny ears materialized through the thin air.

"Keep them safe from any beast loitering around in the vicinity" with a beep the drone goes away to follow and protect the Father and his Daughter.

The embodiment of death itself, Honkai... a malicious unstoppable force that seeks the destruction of Humanity. Its mysteriousness has yet to be solved as to when it will end, no one knows. Although humans have found several ways of defending themselves from the Honkai, all they did were just stalling time for the inevitable. No matter how hard they tried, they will always keep coming back like cockroaches with no end or whatsoever.

Wether it's the Zombies or Honkai, wherever it goes, it will always be followed by the cries and sobs of its victims.

And yet, Humanity still somehow manages to found a way to survive, and even to this day they're still not giving up on fighting the Honkai. With a firm stance and belief that one day they will surely be free from this lifelong curse. Humanity will surely eradicate the Honkai from the face of this world and finally and obtain the peace they've longed for.

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