| chapter fourteen |

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I thought saying goodbye to my Coven would be the most challenging part, but apparently, getting them to let go of me was the problem

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I thought saying goodbye to my Coven would be the most challenging part, but apparently, getting them to let go of me was the problem.

Juliette hugged me for what seemed like forever as she cried tears of venom. My brothers all gave me their own goodbyes, which included the promise of packing and delivering my things.

Eva was the one that genuinely shocked me; I wasn't expecting the sad expression that flittered across her face before she hugged me, promising to be a phone call away if I needed her.

Which also included a vague threat of coming back to get me if the Cullens didn't treat me right.

That one caused a low growl to come from my soulmate.

Seeing the genuine emotion coming from my Coven at my leaving had me rethinking all my time with them. The years of wasting their affections and familial comforts suddenly made me feel sad.

I had pushed them away for so long because of the traumatic stress of losing my human family. Only now do I recognize that I was keeping them at a distance to save them from me.

Apologizing for my behavior during the last 70 years made me feel like a scolded child, but seeing the soft smiles on their faces was worth it.

It was only after they reluctantly left that it seemed to get quiet, and it hit me that this was the rest of my life now.

Being with the Cullens was going to be a vastly different experience, and I realized that I knew little to nothing about the members of my new Coven, other than my soulmate.

It seems harsh, but I never asked about them. I didn't need to. I had always been laser-focused on learning everything about Rosalie that they didn't matter to me at that time.

Now sitting in the living area of the house in silence, I was starting to rethink that. The others seemed to all move along to whatever they usually do as Rosalie sat by my side with a reassuring smile.

It wasn't enough to cover the guilt she felt seeing me separate from my Coven. I didn't blame her, though. I don't mind which Coven we're with as long as we're together.

"So Evie-" Emmett says as he jumps over the back of the couch with a playful grin that shows off his dimples "-what kind of things do you like to do?".

Such an easy question for him but hard for me to answer, especially when killing humans was the first thing that came to mind.

"Other than that," Edward grimaced, walking past us as Jasper and Emmett joined us again. Now the ice was broken, it was easier for them to ask questions or get to know me.

I'm probably not the friendliest vampire they've met.

Rosalie frowned at Edwards's words and the expression on his face, but his lips were sealed as he just gave a smile. "I like-" my eye wandered around the room for a moment, "cars. I find them to be magnifique".

Both the blond(e) vampires lit up at my words, "I always dreamed of going to the Salon de l'Automobile, but it wasn't for people like my family" Closing my eyes in nostalgia before letting out a short laugh "The last car I saw in my human life was a Citroën Rosalie."

My mate gave a gorgeous smile as we both thought about the implications of that. Fate shone down on me as I lived out my last few days as a human.

"Woah, freaky," the giant vampire said seriously with his golden eyes wide. He reminded me of a child. I can still see a little of his playful innocence shining through.

Smiling at his words, I nodded. "What about hunting? What do you like to hunt?" glancing up at him, I smirked as my red eyes no doubt twinkled mischievously.

I'm sure if he could blush, he would be after realizing what he had asked me. Esme rounded the corner from the kitchen as Carlisle followed her, an exasperated expression on her face.


Holding up his hands, the stocky vampire began to stutter as he tried to explain what he meant, but the others started to rejoin us after hearing the commotion and probably Emmett's backtracking.

"I was just asking because uh, we all have our own favorite thing to hunt, but now I'm starting to realize her answer might not be the same" his face dropped when he turned back to face me.

"Human hunting is bad, no hunting the humans" I heard a sigh as Amber slapped a hand to her face as her mate continued to ramble on.

Anxiety rolled off my mate as she gripped my hand tight until I laughed loudly for a few minutes. "Tu es drôle Emmett, I haven't laughed like that for over many years."

My eyes filled with humor for Emmett and love for Rosalie. I was expecting to feel this much so soon. It took years for me to stop being so stoic around Henry.

"Very funny," I explained as his face only held confusion. "We once stayed with another Coven of vegetarians who were happy to show us their way of living. They were very welcoming".

Carlisle seemed intrigued at my words, "Was it the Denali Coven?" my mind flashed to that of their leader Tanya, her sly smirk and wandering hands as she explained what they hunted was pulled to the front of my mind.

Edward sniggered as my eyes met his "I see Tanya tried getting her claws into you too."

Rosalie instantly hissed as she scowled at her brother's words, "The succubus sisters," she growled, and I gave Edward a glare for setting my mate off.

"Nothing happened, ma chérie," I explained as her usually bright eyes darkened into inky black hues. Rosalie needed not to be jealous or possessive. I was already hers.

Something told me that was just the way she would be, and I wasn't worried. It was just nice to be wanted by her, to have the other half of me care as much as I do.

Facing Emmett once more, I gave him a smirk. "I have a fondness of hunting down the bears. They always put up a good fight".

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