Chapter Forty-Five: Meet the Family, Meet the Ex

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Three months. Three months since the BRITS. Three months until Rob and I decided that maybe, even though there were warning signs that we were taking things too fast, decided to start dating properly. Three months since I’d seen Niall, but not once had I stopped thinking about him.

“Where are we going again?” I ask Rob, we were in his car, one of his hands on the steering wheel, the other holding onto my hand. I had temporarily moved down to LA, it was only my second week in LA, but things were going amazingly. Rob and I saw each other almost every day, walking Rolo, getting coffee, or going out for fancy meals.

“Don’t freak out.” He tells me, which, unlike his words told me, immediately spread dread through my body and I looked down at my feet, Rob laughs at me. “I said don’t freak out!” He repeats, taking his snapback off his head and placing it on mine. “I just thought, it’s been three months, it’s getting... quite serious now, you moving down here and everything... I thought that maybe.”

“I am not meeting your family.” I tell him, already knowing exactly what he was going to say, I look up to Rob, he is now pouting and I giggle at him.

“You have to! I’ve put it off for long enough! They want to meet you!” He insists and I shake my head.

“No. I’m not doing it.”

“I’ve already told them!” He groans, “Please baby, please.” He begs.

“But you’re family is so intimidating!” I groan, meeting parents is too horrible, I feel sick thinking about it, and adding on top that his family happens to be the Kardashian and Jenner's... 

“Not as intimidating as the cameras.” Rob winks and I groan even louder.

“No. Definitely not.”

“You have to!” Rob tells me.

“Why?” I question him, the car pulling to a stop, but my eyes are still on Rob.

“Because we’re here!” My eyes shoot to the window, where, there we were, outside the house I had seen many times on my TV at home. There were cameramen already outside, and Rob takes out his keys, opening the door and jogging over to my side of the car, opening the door and holding out his hand. I straighten out my skirt. The cameras watch us walking towards the door, and I realise... that everyone is going to see the day I met his family. Publicity. That's all everything was to them.

“Don’t worry, it’s only mom, Bruce, Kendall, Kylie and Kim.” He whispers in my ear and I nod, feeling incredibly sick. It’s not every day you meet your boyfriend’s family, it’s my first opportunity to make a good impression, and my boyfriend’s family just so happened to be the Kardashians.

“Hello!” I see Kris Jenner stand on the porch, waving towards us, and Rob squeezes my hand, moving his arm around my shoulder and I hold his hand with my other hand now.

“Hi mom!” Rob says, we walk up the three steps onto the porch and Kris throws her arms around me.

“You must be Lennox.” Kris says, “I’m Kris, my husband Bruce, and our children Kendall, Kylie, and my daughter Kim.”

“It’s great to finally meet you, we’ve all heard a lot about you.” Bruce tells me, and after Rob has greeted his sisters they all hug me in turn.

“I am such a big fan.” Kendall tells me and it puts a larger smile on my face.

“See, I told you they’d love you.” Rob whispers in my ear as we are guided onto their dining room, a camera following behind us.

When we are sat around a large table, I’m separated from Rob, sitting beside Kendall and opposite Kris, who watches me, scrutinises me, and practically kills me with a death glare.

Dance With Me (Niall Horan)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon