Chapter Thirteen- Stop the Clocks

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I woke up with breathing on the back of my neck. My head wasn’t on a pillow, but on Niall’s bare chest as he held one arm onto me to keep me close to him.

“GET UP!” The door shot open as did Niall, who bolted upright, and I attempted to keep the sheets of the bed around my body.

“Why?” Niall asked, yawning and then lying back on the bed.

“Yeah Liam... why?” Zayn asks Liam who then opens and closes his mouth.

“We’re going to LA.” Liam explains.

“Why?” I groan, lying back into Niall’s chest. I didn’t want him to leave, he only got back from Stockholm late last night. “I don’t want you to go.” I whisper in his ear and Niall shoots me a sympathetic look.

It was crazy that we had been dating 2 months, well two months exactly in two days.

“How long are we going to be there?” The boys turn from Niall to give him privacy as he pulls his boxers up and then Louis turns, back around,

“Not sure yet. We’ve got quite a lot to do.” I pout at Niall who kisses my lips.

“We’ll leave you two to pack.” Louis tells us and then the boys clear out of the bedroom.

“I had planned that we were going to go for a meal.” I pout; we hadn’t been able to celebrate one month, so we decided to celebrate two instead. “I bought you a present and wrote a card.” I cut myself off, why was I getting so emotional?

“I’m sorry babe. Really, I am.” He tells me, kissing my cheek and wrapping his arms around me. This is what I loved... him just holding me.

“Will you ring me the second you’re back in the UK?” I ask him, “Actually, tell me when you’re flying home and I’ll meet you at the airport.”

“You’re so cute.” He chucks under my chin, walks towards his wardrobe, getting out his suitcase, and begins to pack.

“I’m going to miss sleeping next to you.” I hadn’t even been back to my flat for two weeks, I’d gotten a bunch of clothes and decided to just lie with him every night. “I’m going to miss your flat. I’m going to miss you.”

The song lyrics went around in my head, the ones that I had made up, a song for Niall.

I I wanna stop the clocks tonight, and stay right here for you

“You keep humming that. What is it?”Niall asks me, looking up from his packing.

“Humming what?” I ask and Niall hums back the one lyric I had managed to write. “Just a tune.”

“It’s good.” He tells me. I nod, and all too soon he’s dressed and by the door, and I fling my arms around him.

I I wanna stop the clocks tonight,

I I wanna tear their hands right off

I I wanna stop the world from turning

“I love you Niall.” I whisper in his ear, so only he can hear, whilst the boys wait for our goodbyes.

“I love you too. I wish I wasn’t leaving you. Really.”

“I know.” I whisper. “Sometimes I just wish... time would stop and we’d have a whole lifetime together.”

“I know.” He kisses my lips quickly. Then they’re gone.

Once I see the car leave, I ring the only person I can think of. The only person who can help me with the deranged and crazy thought that had popped into my head as I watched Niall leave me yet again.

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