Chapter Fifty-One: My Love is Like a Star

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I sighed at my dress, turning towards Rob again, who seemed happy watching TV, Rolo sitting on his chest.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go to Liam’s birthday party?” I ask him and Rob nods his head. “I’d really like you to come?” I suggest and Rob tears his eyes from the TV.

“It’s your friend’s birthday party, I don’t want to intrude.” He explains. But I know that’s bullcrap. Liam invited Rob, Rob’s not intruding if he got an invitation.

“Oh okay.” I mumble, grabbing my purse and leaning over to kiss his cheek.

Sometimes I still can’t believe that in two months I’ll be getting married, it’s crazy to think that way. I mean, sure it was weird if I watched TV at 9 and saw that mine and Rob’s show was on, watching myself plan the wedding, or Rob talking with his friends about a stag party they were planning, it catches me off-guard.

“Lennie, are you ready?” Dani shouts through the flat, and I walk out, putting my arms through my cardigan.

“Someone looks pretty.” Liam teases and I twirl for him in my dress, and then walking over to him and wrapping my arms around Liam.

“I’ve missed you.” I admit, still keeping my arms around him.

“Missed you too Lennie.” Liam mumbles into my hair, and when I pull away Liam has a large smile on his face.

“Oh, and Happy Birthday.” I add, and Liam throws his head back in laughter, as I had casually added it on the end. “21 years old. You’re old.”

“You’ll be the same age as me in a few months.” Liam reminds me, and I bat my hand, getting older doesn’t bother me in the slightest. It only makes Rob and I’s age gap look smaller, and maybe people would accept our young ages when we’re getting married.

“Let’s go then.” I say, and they both nod. We start walking down the stairs, Liam on his phone.

“Niall says he’s going to be late. Idiot.” Liam tells Dani, and I must’ve perked up at the sound of Niall’s name, because Dani flashes me a look of confusion.

“Does he not realise it’s your birthday?” Dani asks, sounding irritated at him and Liam shrugs.

“Is Niall bringing anyone to the party?” I ask, trying to sound as casual as possible, and they both watch me, still going down the stairs, and when we get to the bottom, they are still silent.

“I think he is.” Liam tells me quietly. “He’s been seeing someone for about a month...”

“Do I...know her?” I ask and Liam shrugs.

“He’s keeping it quiet. Hasn’t told me anything about her.”

Niall was seeing someone. I should be fine with this. He had to deal with me being with someone else 2 weeks after our break up, I should be able to handle 6 months.

6 months seemed horrible. I’d been apart from Niall for half a year, and yet my feelings felt like it was only yesterday that I got my heart torn apart.

I’m being a hypocrite. I’m always a hypocrite. I didn’t forgive Niall for kissing another girl, yet Rob forgave me. Niall didn’t act like a pompous prat when he found out I was dating someone else, yet I’m acting like an idiot about Niall finding another girl.

It’s because the girl isn’t me.

My heart was screaming that I just need to tell Niall, tell Rob, tell the whole world that I want to be with Niall. But I can’t. I can’t anymore.

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