Chapter Seventeen- Distance

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(A/N) I'm sorry I missed Sunday's update! I had some exams coming up and I had to revise! But the chapter is here! :D


“What angle would you like to go with this?” Asks one woman, her pen pointed to her notebook, but she had not yet written something.

“When you say ‘stop the clocks’ do you really mean that you would like world peace?” Asks another, who was reading through my lyrics.

“Is this a subliminal message to not have sex underage?”

“WHAT?” I scream over the video producers who were currently battling to shoot my music video. “Listen...” they all lean forward, and I can practically see Justin sniggering behind me. “The song is about my wanting to spend time with my boyfriend, but I can’t because he’s in One Direction and we have no time together, and sometimes I just want everything to stop and to be able to be with him with no limits to the time we have together.” I rush out in one breath at the producers. “Now... I was thinking, I sing. Maybe I’m in a messy apartment, it’s evident that I’ve just been left by my boyfriend or partner who has to work, and I daydream about spending time with him. Maybe we lie somewhere, just the two of us.”

“I think we leave the boyfriend faceless.” One producer says. “We could use ordinary John Doe. Brown hair, tall, could be anyone.”

“But Niall is blonde.” I tell him and the producer laughs.

“Well, we can’t very well use Niall can we?” I look up to Justin and he shakes his head.

“But the song is for Niall, it’s about Niall.” I insist. I don’t care if it’s not actually Niall in my video, just as long as people understand that it’s for Niall. “The whole song is for him.”

The men lean back on the chair, whilst one, a younger man who looked a few years older than me, leaned in.

“You’re in an apartment. Probably his apartment. You go through his things, do trivial activities like cleaning and washing the dishes. The door opens and that’s when the chorus starts, you look up to a clock and the clock has stopped on him opening the door. Then we go to...paradise. You and him laying underneath the stars in a field somewhere. Showing the difference between when he’s not around and when you two are together.”

“I love it.” I tell him, staring in awe at the boy who understood my whole reason for the song. “We’ll go with that.”

Justin smirks at me when I turn to look at him and we immediately begin plans for the music video. My music video.


“Lenn! I’ve got someone for you to meet!” Justin shouts at me on the set of the video.

“Hang on, I’m on the phone!” I shout back, turning away from Justin and pressing my ear back to the phone.

“Still there?” Niall asks down the line.

Dance With Me (Niall Horan)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ