Chapter Nine: 'Look pretty and cheer when we win.'

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“LENNOOOOOX!” I hear someone scream as I watched Louis sprinting towards me, arms outstretched and bounding up and down. I had just suffered an 8 hour flight from London to LA and now here I was... tired, jet-lagged and in the worst mood possible. But just seeing Louis act like that brought a smile to my face as I dropped my bags on the floor and opened my arms to greet him. But he was a 20 year old lad, and as soon as we collided I fell to the floor from the impact and went into a fit of giggles as the rest of the boys rushed towards me and Louis apologised for landing on me.

“It’s all good Lou.” I tell him, picking up my bags again and sending the boys all a smile, except Niall, who I felt under pressure to even look at as I felt his gaze on me. “It’s good to see you all. It seems like forever.” I say and the boys nod. Harry throws his arm around my shoulder and Zayn takes my suitcase from me and we all begin to walk towards the exit.

“I’ve never been to an award show before. What am I supposed to do?” I ask Harry whilst we walk closer towards the screaming fans who were crowded outside.

“Look pretty and cheer when we win.” Harry jokes, giving me a wink.

“You sound pretty confident about that, Styles?” I joke back, “I wouldn’t be too confident. It hurts more than when you lose.”

Harry gasps and looks to his left at Liam who is laughing at me.

“Leeeyuumm! She said we were going to lose!” Harry whines and the boys laugh along with him.

“I didn’t say that! I just said you might not win!” I protest and Harry pouts at me, but continues to have his arm around my shoulder as we stop talking and are greeted by the screams of the fans. I had no idea how they knew the boys were there, because obviously they were there for them... Screams went off as Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulder even more closely and we all walked closely together as the girls shouted for their idols. The boys waved, stopping to take some pictures and I stood by the side as they did that, until someone shouted my name...

“Lennox! Over here!” My head pops up, there’s a girl literally barging her way through the crowd to reach to me and I walk over to her, was she going to spit in my face? Was she going to tell me to die too? Or just attempt to kill me for being here with the boys.

“Lennox I love you so much!” She shouts at me, reaching her hand out which I grab and sqeeze. “Please go out with Niall! Please! I’d rather it be you than Demi Lovato!”

Demi Lovato?

Why would Niall be dating Demi Lovato?

“Come on Lennox!” I look behind me, where all the lads were in the van, waiting for me.

“I appreciate it babe, but I don’t think that we can be forced to date.” I joke and she shakes her head at me. “I’ve got to go!”

“Please date him! Please!”

I wave at them all and walk back over towards the van and get inside, sitting next to Niall who had his head leaned on the window. As I sit down and fasten my seat-belt, Niall smiles at me and puts his hand on my knee and squeezes it. Then he leans over to me and whispers, “Can we talk when we get to the hotel?” I nod quickly, feeling nerves overcoming me already. Was it supposed to be like this? Was I supposed to be this nervous when talking to Niall? My thoughts went back to the kiss we shared 3 weeks ago and it brings a smile to my face. Would we kiss again tonight? Or would I be told what I feared most... that he didn’t want to date me at all.

And why did the fan think that he was going to date Demi Lovato? Checking on my shoulder at the sleeping Zayn who had taken a seat beside me and fallen asleep straight away, I check the boys weren’t watching my phone screen, I google ‘Demi Lovato and Niall Horan’, immediately articles come up, and I begin to read.

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