Chapter Sixty: The World is Ours

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Around his neck was some rope, and a piece of paper hanging off it saying: "No asking me about the surprise!". Still in his clothes I had seen him in when Dani had escaped disguised as me, no tux like the clichés when a guy gets his friend to be their chauffer, Harry was just in a jacket and a beanie, just as normal.

Harry holds out a thick brown envelope to me and I take it, Harry's smile growing on his face, deep dimples forming on his cheeks.

"Don't open it yet." Niall warns me.

"What?" I ask again, and Niall chuckles in response.

"Just follow Harry babe." Harry begins walking, I keep the phone in my hand, following him down the stairs, without a word and we get outside, Harry's car parked in the corner, and Harry opens the door for me, motioning for me to get inside.

"Right babe, you're in for a drive, so I'll ring you later."

"Okay, bye." I hang up, Harry starting the ignition, and when we start driving away from Niall, my interrogation begins.

"Where are we going?" I ask him, Harry shrugs, but obviously he does know, he's the one driving me somewhere.

"Can I open this?" I ask, Harry shakes his head, the brown envelope was so tempting, it was heavier than a mere piece of paper to be held in there, there was something inside, and I want to find out what.

"You can only open it when I tell you to." Harry says, and I slam my hands onto my cheeks, faking shock.

"He speaks!" Harry chuckles, shaking his head at my sarcasm. "Are we allowed to talk normally about non-surprise things?"

"Yeah." Harry nods, and just as I'm about to ask him how things are with him, a vibration on my bum cuts me off. I sigh, digging my hand, pushing my hips upwards and motioning to Harry's phone. "Hey look, mummy's ringing." I coo in a child-like voice, "Can I answer?" Harry nods to say yes and I put the phone to my ear, waiting for the friendly voice of Anne to talk to me. "Hi Anne, it's Lennox."

"Oh Lennox, what a surprise, I was just ringing Harry about you."

"Really?" I ask, "And why's that?"

"To make sure you're okay. I've seen the rumours; I just wanted to make sure you're okay." She sounds genuinely concerned, something that makes me feel sick, how bad were all the rumours that caused Anne to ring Harry asking about me? "Anyway, please tell me the rumours of you and Niall are true."

"Yes, they're true."

"Oh, I'm so happy for you Lennox. I don't know what that boy would've done without you. Just between you and me, I think he didn't properly look after himself after the wedding, he had to move in with Zayn so that he could be watched."

My hand goes to my mouth, I hadn't really thought about Niall's reaction. The after-effects.

"Oh no!"

"Yes, well, I'm just glad you two worked things out. Anyway, I must be off, tell Harry I love him and that I'll see him in a few weeks!"

"I will. Bye." I hang up, Harry's screensaver catching my eye. It was quite clearly a picture taken of a picture, a small young Harry soaking wet in a park, a smaller girl wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Cute." I remark, we'd stopped at a red light and Harry turns to me, looking confused. "Your screensaver. Is that Gemma?" I show him the wallpaper, Harry shaking his head, and I'm surprised he hasn't spoken.

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