Chapter 7

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Three minutes later he walks out of the building, his dark hair looking like he just took a shower. My eyes slide to his black trousers and hoodie while he puts a leather jacket on that matches his boots. When my eyes meet his I realise I'm staring at him and I quickly look away.

"Which car is yours?" I ask.

He takes his keys from his pocket and points to a matte black motorcycle that's parked next to the building, making my heart drop.

"This one." He says with a grin.

"A motorcycle?" I have no doubt he can hear the panic in my voice since his eyes fill up with amusement. It's not that I'm scared. I mean, I love the sound of them, but I just never been on one.

"Is there a problem, Snow white?" He asks. He squats down to take a helmet off the big chain around his wheel.

Snow white? What the hell does he mean by that?

"No, I've never been on a motorcycle is all... " I admit.

"There is a first time for everything, darling." He looks up at me and winks, making my stomach turn.

I take the helmet from him and stare at it in my hands. My gaze moves from the black helmet to my white dress. My white dress... which I can't possibly sit on the back of a motorcycle with.

"I'm wearing a dress... " I say, interrupting my own thoughts and looking up at him.

"Yes you are." His eyes glide over my body before he smiles at me mischievously, but I try to ignore it. If only Vincent would look at me like that from time to time.

"What I mean is that I can't possibly sit on a motorcycle in a dress." I explain.

"Scared to show a little skin, Snow White?" He teases.

"No, of course not." I mumble, averting my eyes.
He laughs but then takes something out of his gym bag.

"Here put this on." He hands me black sweatpants that are probably way too big for me. "Don't worry, they're clean." He adds.

I put the sweatpants on and he helps me with the helmet. He's standing way too close if you ask me. All the while I feel like I'm in a fucking sauna. My cheeks are probably red and sweat is coating the skin on my neck. I hate it when someone's eyes are on me, and right now his eyes are... making me conscious about every little thing I do. I already know I'll be overthinking all of this tonight.

"Wait, what about you?" I ask as I gesture to the helmet.

"Your safety is my priority. Don't worry about me, darling." He says as he starts up the motorcycle. The engine rumbles through my entire body and I love the feeling and sound of it.

"Are you comfortable?" he asks over the roaring engine.

"Yes." I yell back, not quite sure if I am comfortable this close to him.

"Hold on tight."

I look at the bike to decide where I should hold on to and finally decide to hold the tip of his leather jacket with my fingertips. I'm already too close to him as is. If Vincent saw me like this...

I look around one more time to make sure Vincent isn't somewhere looking at us. It wouldn't be the first time that I got tested by Vincent to see if I'm faithful.

"I said: hold on tight." He interrupts my musing by grabbing my hands and wrapping them around his waist, causing me to fall against his back. The engine drowns out the sound I make when I gasp. A strange unfamiliar feeling of excitement shoots through my body as if I'm electrified.


While I don't really want to touch this stranger more than necessary, my arms tighten around his body with every corner we take, feeling adrenaline rush through me. The adrenaline of my first motorcycle experience takes over my body, helping me forget the nerves for my first day of school.

"And how was your first time, darling?" He asks me as soon as I get off and give him back the helmet, which he then puts on. His face is covered except for his eyes. Noticing the onyx colour, it feels like I met him before.

"I loved it, thank you." I say before I can stop myself, again startled by how easy it feels to talk to him.

I can see from the twinkle in his eyes that he is smiling at me so I smile back. But I immediately stop, thinking about Vincent.

Stop fucking flirting with every guy you walk by. They only want to fuck you because you look like a slut. I still hear him shout the words from a fight from last year to me, only because I smiled at a salesman when we were shopping in New York.

I look away and try to act like I'm searching for something in my bag, not interested in him at all. But what he doesn't know is that I'm aware of every breath he takes, and every look he gives me.
Stupid fucking anxiety.

"See you soon, Emma." He says as he pulls down the blacked-out hood of his helmet and drives away. I'm ashamed I didn't remember his name, to be honest I don't even remember us introducing ourselves. Not that it matters. His name isn't important right now...

I look at my watch to check the time. I have ten minutes before class starts. When I look at my dress and smooth it out, I see that I'm still wearing his sweatpants. "Fuck!" I can't walk across the schoolyard like that! I scan the car park for other people, but I'm alone. I quickly take it off and stuff it in my bag. I'll find a way to get it back to him later.

I report myself to the front desk and I am sent to a lecture hall on the first floor where I take a seat at the back. I want to be as invisible as possible.

A girl with beautiful big curls comes to sit in front of me, which is perfect since I can sit here behind her and be unnoticed. It also makes me feel at ease to know there will be some girls in my class, since it's mostly boys that have interest in cars.

A minute later I hear the door of the hall close and two men walk past me, to the front of the hall. I keep my eyes on my sketch book, drawing some random things as one of them starts to speak, introducing himself. Professor Green, and by the sounds of it he's around his fifties and he teaches our main subject, Engineering.

I look up when I hear the voice of the person next to him, apparently his intern who will graduate this year, but get distracted by someone dropping something on my left that muffles out his name. His voice sounds familiar, making me turn my head again, but all I can see are the beautiful brown curls of the girl in front of me.

Curious, I look around her, trying to put a face to that familiar voice. I stare straight into the onyx eyes of the guy that gave me a ride. He grins and then winks at me, or at the people in front of me - I'm not sure.

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