Chapter 50

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"Darling." I hear and slowly open my eyes. A ray of sunshine lightens up the room a little. How is it daytime already? I feel like I fell asleep just ten minutes ago.

I roll to my back and stretch my body, groaning. "Fuck." I didn't just sleep like shit, I feel like all my bones are broken too.

"Does it hurt?" My gaze shifts to the voice, realising it isn't Finn. My chest tightens as I sit up straight and look at Vincent who is leaning against the closed bedroom door. My eyes dart to his hand and the knife he's holding. It's covered in blood and a small pool is forming underneath from the drops that fall down from the steel.

"Don't look so shocked. Aren't you happy to see me?" He asks and pushes off the door.

"Finn!" I scream, hoping he can hear me wherever he is. "Help!"

"Oh he won't be able to help you." He muses.

"What did you do?" I ask, crawling to the side of the bed. As much away from him as possible when he stalks towards me. "Stay away from me!" I step out of the bed on the other side and step into something warm and wet. I look down to see I've stepped into another pool of blood.

"You slept so deeply that you didn't even hear your boyfriend struggle to breathe when I slit his throat." He grins darkly, but I hardly hear him as I look down at Finn's lifeless eyes that stare at me.

"Finn!" I scream and kneel before him. His warm blood is soaking my leggings as I grab his shoulders and lay him on me. Sobs leave my throat when I cry out his name again. I start shaking him, but he's gone...

I move my hand that is now covered in his blood to his face and lean forward. I press my forehead to his and close my eyes. I can't stop the tears that fall down. The pain in my chest is unbearable. I don't know if I could live a life without him.

"Ah, poor baby." I hear beside me and open my eyes to see Vincent stand next to me. I quickly come up to grab the lamp behind me. I was scared to make the choice to kill him or to let him live, but after this he deserves to die.

Unfortunately I'm too slow and he pushes me against the wall, causing the air in my lungs to exit in one blow. "You won't fool me twice." He says.

I feel a pinch in my stomach and look down. "Vin—" I can't finish his name as my mouth fills with a thick copper taste. Blood... My eyes go from the knife in my stomach to his haunting grin. "Vi—" His name drowns out in the blood that rises and drops of blood roll down the corners of my mouth along my chin.

"If I can't have you, no one can."

At least my last breath will be a sigh of relief, because I know I'll be with Finn again...

I shoot up in bed, my knuckles white from how hard I'm grabbing the blanket. I move my clammy hands to my stomach to check for a knife wound that isn't there. Tears brim the corners of my eyes, realising it was a nightmare. Catching my breath, I look next to me and see the empty spot beside me on the bed.

Panic refills my body and I crawl to the other side, checking for a body next to it, but the floor is empty. Not a speck of blood to be seen.

I get out of bed and look past the closed curtain, seeing it's still dark outside. I walk to the door, open it slowly and stop to listen, but silence fills up the hall.

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