Chapter 11

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I went into town because I kept thinking about Vincent. Shopping is always a good remedy to clear your head. Not that I could spend a lot of money with the high rent of my room, but I could at least buy one new dress from the sale section.

When I got home, I immediately put it on and sent Vincent a picture.

After being out in the fresh air for a while, I could think about the situation better. I made a conclusion too soon and reacted emotionally. I'm not even sure what happened. Maybe he was just watching TV, or maybe I had switched to another line in the building by accident. I don't know, but I should talk to him about it face to face before overthinking it. So I'm glad he'll be here next Friday.

Lying on my bed, I take another look at the picture I sent him. My blue eyes are brighter than usual because of the sunlight shining on my face and my black curly hair drapes around my face. It makes the beautiful yellow dress stand out even more.

I did put makeup on before I took the picture and wonder if my red lips look good with a yellow dress. I love the picture anyway, but my satisfied smile disappears when a message comes in from Vincent.

"Who are you dressing like that for?"

"I just bought it and wanted to show you." I reply.

"Not really your colour babe. X"

I'm instantly disappointed by his reaction because I actually like the colour, it's so different than what I usually wear.

Irritated, I turn off my screen, throw my phone on the bed and get up. It's almost nine o'clock, which means I should get moving. I grab the sweats from my desk and feel a slight relief to finally have those out of my possession.

I look at myself in the mirror, suddenly feeling insecure in the dress. It's a beautiful soft yellow A-line dress with a high waist and v-neck. I don't understand why Vincent doesn't like the colour, but I'll have to bring it back to the store tomorrow. I'll never wear it anyway if Vincent doesn't like it. Not that I let him decide what I wear, but I feel less beautiful in dresses that he doesn't like.

I open my door and lock it behind me. Let's get this over with so I can go back to my room and take this stupid dress off.

I walk into the hall the guy was talking about and then look for number 18. The door is ajar and loud rock music comes from his room. I recognize the song, it's a song from Rob Zombie. I've played their numbers non stop in the past.

Now I hardly listen to rock anymore because Vincent doesn't like it. I have gotten used to his music but can still enjoy it when I happen to hear a Rock song like I do now.

When I knock on the door there is no response, so I push the door open a little and peek around the corner. The room is empty, but the smell of soft perfume fills my nose.

"Hey darling." I hear a voice behind me. Startled, I turn around, making him chuckle at my reaction. "Am I that scary?"

He takes a step forward, causing me to step back into his room. He's now blocking the only way out.
His eyes sweep over my ugly dress and I see his lips part a little. I need to say something before he makes a mean remark too.

"No, I just expected you to be in your room, not behind me." I stammer as I feel blood stream to my cheeks.

"So I'm not scary?" He asks teasingly.

"No. No of course not!"

"So you think I'm cute?"

My eyes widen "What? No, I mean..."

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