Chapter 46

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I'm surrounded by darkness and my body feels numb. Is this what death feels like? It can't be this dark and empty, but at least the pain is gone... The pain I felt when— I hit my head. Why did I hit my head? I was at the networking event with Finn and after that we went home. What happened after that?
We're here. Wake up.

Someone is shaking my shoulders and the closer I get to consciousness, the heavier the pain in my body gets. Cold wind attacks my shivering body, waking me and I feel someone shake me again. Pain pulses through my body.

Tears brim the corners of my eyes when I try to open them. When I do, it takes me a second to realise there's a blindfold strapped around my head. I try to move my hands, but they are tied together and it burns my wrists.

Someone sighs heavily above me and a loud bang that sounds like a car door being shut makes the ringing in my ears worse. It feels like scratching nails on a chalkboard and I can't stand the sound of it.

Hearing footsteps outside, I bring my hands up to my face to remove the blindfold, but I've only lifted it a little when the other door opens and someone grabs my ankle.

"Get out." I hear Vincent say and he pulls me towards him over the backseat. I can't think through the unbearable pounding in my head and start kicking, hoping I'll kick him in the face or balls. I can't see where I'm aiming and can only make out a small part of his hands trying to grab my feet through the small gap of the blindfold. Fuck, I need to get this thing of my head.

I grit my teeth and kick harder. I ignore the pain in my body, but I'm too weak and he gets a hold of my legs and drags me out of the car where I land on my ass on the ground. I yelp when I hit my head against the car and wince from the pain.

"That's on you." He clips and grabs my arms, hoisting me up. My head starts throbbing with the movement, making me remember he hit my head with something which knocked me out cold. The feeling of him makes me sick and I want to step back, but he puts his arm around my shoulders and leads me away.

"Where are you taking me?" My breaths are shallow and I feel myself becoming dizzy. This can't fucking be happening.

The smell of trees surrounds me and I hear crickets.

Walking over crunching leaves with bare feet, I try to think of a place where he might've brought me to and my mind fills with panic. He kidnapped me. He fucking KIDNAPPED me!

My breathing gets harder, feeling a panic attack burst in my chest.

"I take you wherever I want to take you." He states and puts his arm around my waist, pulling me further along.

When I try to break free from his grip, he turns me around until I'm facing him and takes my chin between his fingers. His scent surrounds me, yet I see nothing but darkness.

"Don't make this difficult for yourself, babe." He says. He turns me around and pushes me forward forcefully. "Walk." He orders. His menacing tone is enough to make me obey and I blindly walk the direction he pushed me in. Where the hell could I go anyway? My hands are tied, I'm blindfolded and it's dark outside, the middle of the night probably, from what I could see. I need to be fucking calm and think, but that's hard with the fear that's swirling around in my stomach.

Be smart, Emma. Wait until he unties you.

"Stop." He orders and I hear him take keys from his pocket and open a door. The first thing that surrounds me is the scent of cinnamon. He pushes me forward into an entryway and I almost trip and fall, but he grabs my arm just in time. "Idiot." He murmurs.

Sometimes he loves meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon