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A long time ago there was a lonely being. This individual didn't even know she exist. But suddenly something amazing happened to her. A man was stabbed and die. This man, by his strong desire to have a partner to talk with in his lonely moment, decided to ask for it.

In the world were this man was reincarnated, there were a lot of rule. And the Rule were controlled by the Voice of the world. With a strong will an individual is able to gain some Unique Skills. But for the first time this being decided to defy the Rule of world and created a newly Unique Skill which suits his master well.

Time passed and she become more and more fluent in conversation with his master. But something bad happened. His master built a city and the city was attacked by humans. Because humans thought that monster are the enemy of humanity. And because of their personal greed they did it.

For the First time this being felt something. "Weakness". She was not able to help his master. His master was in a huge state of despair in front of his friends who got killed during the first attack. She can't find a solution even when his master asked for it. She Felt useless.

She then Find a way with the help of an Elf who were friends with his master. His master has to become a True Demon Lord to have a chance to resurrect his friends. Of course he agreed instantly. It was only the Vanguard who attacked the city but the Main army are still coming.

To evolve in a TDL, he need 10.000 human souls. He felt bad because his main goal was to coexist with human. But he didn't have a choice. He slaughter them and Finally evolve in a TDL.

This being also evolve and became the Lord of Wisdom. This being asked for it's own evolution to the Voice of the World. His evolution was granted. She failed many times but finally succeed. She force her evolution to be more useful to his master.

Time have passed and her feeling and relationship with his master just growing. The Eastern empire decided to attack his master country but with master strong subbordinates, he used to win the war. But his sworn brother were captured and he was in a state of rage.

He then decided to confront two True Dragons during his fight the being received a blessing beyond everything. Despite making an error his master named her: Ciel.

She become a Manas. A Divine wisdom core. She gained emotions, feelings and her attachment towards his master continue to grow and grow. They defeated their enemies and become the most powerful partner in the Last timeline.

But this time, nothing is easy for Ciel.

His master is in love with one of the 3 True Dragons. Velzard. Ciel was born in the soul of his master. They were like two differents individual sharing the same soul. For Ciel if his master were to be in love, it would be her but it is not the case.

For the first time, her thought was confused. She didn't know what is happening to her. She started to feel emotions, she should never feel. Anger, Despair, sadness, loneliness.

She hide those feelings deep in her soul. But what she didn't know his these feelings were there and she didn't know how to get rid of them. They were there somewhere, waiting for the moment she is going to be in a weak state. When her feelings are going to be more confused. And they will appear. They started to corrupt Ciel. But she manages to hide them perfectly and serve his lovely master.

But could she continue like that ? Will she be able to erase these feelings ? Will she be able to support his master even during his relationship with his lovely one other than her ?

Ciel didn't know yet but, a dangerous parasite was born in her soul and soon will affect her by the most chaotic way........................

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