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In Farmus....................

The Kingdom of Farmus, were in a huge state of conflict. After their ambitions being crushed by the new city of monsters, it's time for them to pay for what they have done. Unfortunately for them. The leader of monster sent one of his men to take care of this situations Something even more horrible lay before them. Their King was in a disgusting state. He was devoid of his limbs, he underwent mutations on his remaining parts. He had become a monster. They ordered to call a healer to try to restore the king to his original form.

"I am deeply sorry your highnesses but I-I can not heal his majesty". The healer said.

"How is it possible. Even holy magic can't heal the King?. Is he even alive". One of the Lord ask.

"Yes, his majesty is still alive. But there are no incision marks on him. I-i-it is if this has been his majesty form from the begining. As if, the fundamental principles of his body have all been rewritten". The healer said.

"Regular magic won't work on him" A young man said. He his known among the people of this meeting. He is one of the strongest person in their military force. He was one of the three otherworlders who had been summoned to fight for them. Shogo Taguchi.

"You are back Shogo. It seems you are fine" The Lord Muller asked.

The Lord Muller, was probably one of the most rational and open-minded among the lords. He always took the time to listen to what everyone was saying before making decisions. In Shogo's body was Farmus' protective mage, Razen. Razen really appreciated him for his behaviour. So He used to act calmly in front of him.

"Yes I am fine thank you for your concern Lord Muller". Shogo responded.

"Shogo. What Really happened during our military invasion". Another Lord asked.

"Listen to me your highnesses. What I am going to say, you will surely not believe me but it's all true. I am actually Razen, the wizard protector of Farmus. Our Military forces, was annihilated by the Storm Dragon Veldora." Razen said.

"The S-s-Storm Dragon, Impossible the wester church has declared that the Dragon has been exterminated." One Lord said.

"Y-yes that's right and how can you be Razen-dono, are you just trying to find an excuse to your inefficiency.". Another one said.

"I Know it's not easy for you to believe, it but it's true" Razen said.

"I believe in you Razen-dono. After all this information come for the man who used to protect our country for long time" Lord Muller said.

"I know some Lords here lost people important for them in this fight. But we made a huge mistake by attacking this nation. This war has resurrected the storm Dragon, and they all became a sacrifice." Razen said.

"But Razen-dono how did you survive. I mean are you strong enough to fight the Storm dragon?" Lord Muller asked.

"That's not the case. We was saved by the Lord of monsters". The main person who instigated this madness. Reyhiem the archbishop of Luminism.

"Reyhiem-dono? did you just heared what you said. How could someone saved you from the Storm Dragon?" A Lord asked.

"Kfufufu are you perhaps underestimating my beautiful and amazing lord." A more sinister person appear in the meeting room. Nobody was able to feel him. Even the highest soldiers in the meeting room couldn't.

"Who are you?" A guard asked in confusion, since this man appear from nowhere.

"Kfufufu I am nothing else than a messenger from my lord Rimuru Tempest. And I am here to heal your king and talk about discuss about your future policies." Diablo said.

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