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In his office, Yukki is receiving some guests. As usual, he was followed by his right Hand Kagali. She was standing next to him. In front of Yukki, a pretty handsome boy with a yellow short hair. He was followed by two of his mens. A girl and a muscular boy. The boy was covered by a dazzling aura, which made him feel strong in the eyes of others. This facet of him existed only in the eyes of others. In reality, he was a shy boy with a solid reputation. In all Western countries, he was recognized and respected not only as a human but especially as a Hero. Masayuki. The Lightspeed Hero.

"So Masayuki-san how are you ?" Yukki asked with his usual smiling face.

"Yukki-san I am fine thank you. Why did you want to see me ?" Masayuki asked him

"Straight to the goal right ? I am pretty sure you hear about the monster country right ?" Yukki asked him

"Indeed, a country with a fast developpement rate inside the Jura Forest right ?"

"That's right do you have any opinions on it ? We are both good friends and just want to have your point of view" Yukki asked with his brain full of idea.

" Personally I don't care more about it. I don't know who the leader is. But I heared that is a good person so as long as everything is fine I'm ok with that." Masayuki respond.

Yukki brains was actually working at full speed. Trying to find an issue.

"That's just the good parts you heared. I heared recently that, they are actually exploiting some lower race for their jobs ?" Yukki said with a serious face.

" You heared, right ? So it can just be some weirds rumors." Masayuki answered

Yukki suddenly took out of his pocket a circle blue and was showing, a video to Masayuki. This video was showing some goblins torturing some little elves girls.

"I charge some spies on them, and that's what they discover. The goblins are very numerous there and that's how they treat the other races." Yukki said.

"Is it really how they treat them ?" Masayuki asked.

"You know, I can't lie to you we know each other for too long and we are from the same country too."

"You are probably right I guess. Do you know how can we get there ?" Masayuki asked.

"Indeed but it may be dangerous you know, they are very strict about their borders."

"Ahhh are you saying Masayuki-sama is not able to deal with some lowly monster ?" The girl with Masayuki said.

"You are underestimating our boss there." The man said.

"No Yukki-san is right, to be able to rule over a lot of monsters like that this Rimuru must be really strong." Masayuki said.

"And your right." Yukki said.

"So do you have a plan Yukki-san ?"

"We don't need a plan. We are invited by the Ruler of Monster to the Festival." Yukki said.

"The Festival ?"

"Tempest is planning to organize a festival for his creation, and actually I have received an invitation". Yukki respond.

"I think it's time to meet this Rimuru"............................................

In Tempest.

After his visit to Guy, Rimuru was now back. He couldn't stay longer since today is the begining of the Festival. In his office, Rimuru as usual was with Ashia, Shion, Velzard and Ramiris.

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