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A/N: Hello guys hope you are fine, well I wanted you to excuse me. Seriously I'm drowned in work I don't have free time for the story this week that's why I was not able to upload Yesterday. Every time I upload a new chapter I don't want it to be rushed that's why. Sorry again.

In Eurazania...........

Eurazania also known as the "Beastmen" country is ruled By the Demon Lord Carrion. Carrion, is appreciated by the other DL because of his behaviour and integrity. The Beastmen and the Tempest citizens have a mutual alliance. For the Tempest citizens, the rule of the Beastmen are not equal for everybody. "The strongest Rule". A lot of Beastman move to tempest because of the equity among every race. Humans, Monsters or Beastmen.

Other than that, Carrion is appreciated by his citizens and also among the DL. But today, this day, the Beast mens will never forget it.

Carrion was in a happy mood today. Everything is going smoothly. He was inside his office with three of his strongest man. The Beastketeers. Suphia also known as the "White Tiger Claw", Albis known as the "Golden snake" and Phobio "The black leopard Fang". These three were Carrion's most trusted man.

"Carrion-sama, Tempest is a beautiful country, and the leader Rimuru-Sama and his right hand Benimaru-sam....." Albis stopped. Everybody was surprised. She then started to blush hard which surprised them.

"Ahaha Albis are you perhaps in love with Benimaru-sama ?" Suphia asked her.

"Huh huh As I was saying Rimuru-Sama is a fantastic leader and he always care about his citizens. Carrion-sama I honestly think that we made the right choice." Albis said.

"Carrion-sama I agree with Albis and I can say that we made the right choice."Suphia said.

"Yes I feel it too. When Tempest's delegation came in Eurazania, this guy Benimaru was unleashing a massive aura. I can confirm that he is strong. I hope they can take care of our people in case of emergency". Carrion said.

Like a foreboding, they feel a huge aura with murderous intent above them in the Sky. They all took their battle stance in front of this person who is looking down on them. She is wearing a cape, has a rose hair and blue eyes. She was none other than the disaster Milim Nava known as the Destroyer.

"Wahaha what a nice country you have, what a shame that he has to disappear because of you Carrion" Milim said.

"D-demon Lord M-Milim Nava". Phobio said with fear.

"Yo Milim what a nice day isn't it ?" Carrion said while flying toward Milim who was waiting for him. But Carrion doesn't receive an answer from Milim.

"Suphia, Albis, Phobio, evacuate the citizens at once. I think she is not here to talk. The country will not resist our fight." Carrion said to them.

"Carrion-sama let us help you we know you are strong but your opponents is the destroyer" Phobio said to him.

"Are you underestimating me? Well I can understand you but don't worry about it. Took the citizens to Tempest and explain the situation to Rimuru" Carrion said.


Carrion Vs Milim.

"Milim, I don't know why you are here and what happened to you but I can feel like something is definitely going on".

"I am not her to talk with you I am here because of your betrayal and I'll kill you for that.

"Betrayal ?"

"Enough talking Carrion".

Milim instantly took her battle stance, she refined her fighting spirit, and unleash a fierce aura. Carrion was frightened. He knows Milim is a whole existence above her. In a serious fight he will die. Milim then rushed towards Carrion with a huge speed. Carrion was not able to see her anymore. But this moment, his instinct told him to flee away. The instant after the ground started to crack. Milim's attack was a special one. She jump high in the sky, and put her fist in a state to punch everything which is going to face it.

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