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In Tempest.....

In his office, Rimuru was not there. Another person sat there, It was Velzard. Before leaving, Rimuru asked Velzard if she could lead the country during his absence. Velzard was absolutely happy. During her long centuries of existence, she had never had any responsibility. This was not only the right way to prove it, but also to make happy the person she loved so much.

Ramiris then entered the office. Before leaving, Rimuru gave some details to Ramiris. Velzard and her are going to be in charge of the organization for the Festival. It may seem strange but Rimuru has already explained all the details to Ramiris. Moreover, he had complete confidence in them. On his return, they will discuss it in order to finalize the organization.

"Hello Velzard. How are you ?" She said with her usually happy face.

"Ah Ramiris. I am fine and I hope you too. I hope the management of the Labyrinth is going well, and my stupid little brother didn't bother you." Velzard said.

"Geez Velzard. Master-Teacher is very fun and we both love research so everything's fine." Ramiris respond."

"That's great to hear. I'm sure you already know why you are here Ramiris" Velzard asked.

"Indeed" Ramiris said with a serious face. "It's to plan the Tempest Festival" She said in a huge state of happiness, thinking of food and other way to distract her.

"Calm down Ramiris. Usually, Rimuru take care of everything but today, he is not there. It's our duty to make him happy about how we plan to deal with it."

"You are right, Rimuru care and gave a lot to us. At least we need to do it for him." Ramiris said.


Ashia was on her way to Rimuru's office. Velzard need her, it's her duty to respond since the one who calls her was her Master lover, and also the actual ruler since Rimuru was no there. A more mysterious person was approaching her. It was man, when they first met, he was not enough trustworthy for Ashia but now they are trustworthy friends. It was Diablo.

"Morning Ashia-dono how are doing ?" Diablo asked respectfully.

"Ah, Hi Diablo-san, looks like we are going the same way."

"Indeed, Velzard-sama wanted to see me. But I don't know why."

"Same as me. Rimuru-Sama left without a word. I hope he is fine." Ashia said.

"Ashia-dono I think you were too worried. He is probably the last person on earth whose safety we should not worry about."

"You are probably right." She respond.


Diablo and Ashia were now in front Rimuru's office. They then open the door and entered. They already expected to meet Velzard and Ramiris in there but Testarossa was also in the office.

"Greetings Velzard-sama, Ramiris-sama." Diablo and Ashia both said while bowing.

"Hi Diablo and Ashia please enter and sit down" Velzard said.

"Velzard-sama, may we know why do you wanted to see us ?" Ashia asked her.

"I am pretty sure Rimuru already said it to you but I will said it one more time. Actually, for the world our country is just a leaving place for monster. Most of the countries, didn't recognize us at all. Darlin, I mean Rimuru had the wonderful idea of organizing a festival that will bring together all the Western Countries in order to change the way people look at our country." Velzard explained to them.

"What a wonderful Idea by Rimuru-Sama. I expect no less from my wonderful master." Diablo praise Rimuru

<This demon is definitely weird. Rimuru was right when he says Diablo is weird.> Velzard thought.

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