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In the Jura Forest.

In the meeting room, Shizue was there. She silently drank the cup of tea served to her by Shuna. It seems like she was waiting for someone. Taking advantage of Rimuru's absence, she was finally going to see the person she had been waiting for a long time. She wasn't alone, she was with her beloved kids. During their time in tempest, and with their training, the became strong in no time. Hakurou was there to teach them the Sword art. And with his rigor, the children increased their skill in no time.

"Seinsei, why are we here ? And where is Rimuru-sensei ?" Chloe asked her.

"Chloe-chan, I gather you all today because I want to introduce someone to you" Shizu answered.

"Ehhh and why Rimuru-sensei isn't there. Humph" Alice said

"Alice calm down. Shizue-sensei, is the person you want to show us important to you?" Gale asked her.

<As always Gale, is the calmest between them> Shizue thought.

"Yes Gale she is important for me. She was my first student before I had to take care of you." Shizue answered.

"Ehhhh Shizue-sensei, had a student before us ? who is she ? Who is she ?" Chloe asked in a state of happiness.

"You will see her. I always wanted to her to you. But unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to do it. But it's the best time now."

"Shizue-sensei why Rimuru-sensei is not with us today ?" Chloe asked her.

"Chloe-chan, Rimuru-san is a little busy actually. But he said that he missed all of you. You will be able to meet him soon."

"Humph. He already said this the last time. He better not go back on his word." Alice said.

When they were discussing in the meeting room, somebody knocked at the door. Shizue asked her to come in. A beautiful woman entered the meeting room. She has a short hair and was wearing a knight uniform. The kids was a little surprised because when the girl saw Shizue, she instantly began to cry. Shizue also drop some tears. It was not some tear of sadness, no it was for happiness.

"S-S-Shizue-seinsei y-you are still alive." Hinata said while hugging Shizue and crying.

"You've become a fine woman Hinata. I am so happy for you." Shizu said to her gently.

"And you must be the beloved Shizue-sensei kids right ?" Hinata asked them.

"Yes we are. I am Chloe, I am Alice, I am Gale, I am Kenya and I, Ryota." They answered her.

"I am Hinata Sakaguchi. You probably heared about me already. I am the captain of the HolyKnights of Ruberios." She said.

"Shizue-sensei I am really sorry. You surely heared what happen lately. My encounter with Rimuru and all the trouble which followed." Hinata said.

"Hinata, we all made some mistakes. You must surely blame yourself, but don't let that torment you in any way." Shizue said to her.

"Shizue-sensei. I am so sorry." Hinata said while putting her head inside Shizue thigh.

" You have to calm down Shizue. We already forget it. Beside your country and Tempest had an alliance right ? So I think you need to move on. Also Rimuru already forget it. So calm down ok ?" Shizue said to her.

"Yes Shizue-sensei." Hinata respond.

" Ok Kids, As I said before, Hinata was my first student. She is just like you, an otherworlder. But fortunately for her, she didn't have a problem about her energy. She trained really hard to be who she is now. I hope she can take care of you in the future" Shizue said.

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