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" I am going to be your worst nightmare Guy.........".

This sentence formulated by Rimuru, puts the DL in a state of confusion and nerve. Except Luminous and Ramiris who already knows who he was. They kept their mouth close and are just looking at what's going on. For the others, Rimuru is just a little thing who didn't know which kind of monster he is going to face. But inside their heart, they feel like something is wrong. The speed that the Platinium hair girl reached to grasp Clayman, even some among them was not able to follow.

"Ashia release him". I said while Guy's fist was still in my hand.

Guy then slowly retired is fist and was standing in front of me. I was really furious this time. Well, I can't leave that aside. Clayman then stood up and started to say some more weird things.

"My f-friends you see, He came here and wanted to trouble our meeting. Should we let him like that. We need to kill him."

"For the First time in my life Clayman I agree with you. I feel like if I let him like that, I will surely had headache in the future." Guy said.

"Milim, can you team up with Guy and destroy Rimuru Tempest?". Clayman asked.

Under Clayman "control", Milim just nodded and immediately took her battle stance. Guy was next to her and they were actually in a battle mood.

"Ashia, Shion, I strongly order you not to interfere in this fight. You'll take care of Clayman for me. But don't kill him yet. Once I'm done with this, I'll take care of him personally."

"But Master.........."

"It's an order Ashia."

"I understand. I am sorry Master."

Rimuru: Ciel, create the most powerful barrier. I think I am going at least with 40% this time.

C: <Information. 40% of master power is too high for the individual Guy Crimson and Milim Nava>

Rimuru: Can you heal them if I put them in a bad state?

C: <Answer. Yes>

Rimuru: Yosh let's go Ciel.

C: <Yes Master.>

"Milim here, I can definitely see that you are "controlled" by something. I will free you. But for you Guy you will feel something too."

A strongly and powerful barrier was cast. Inside it, three of the most powerful persons in this world. Two catastrophe beings. And one "Apocalypse"(Not official yet). The energy they released, was seriously frightening the other DL.

"If it wasn't for the barrier Rimuru placed, we'd surely be miles away already because of their energy." Ramiris said.

<I think the more interesting thing is going to happen now> Clayman said to himself.


Inside the barrier, Guy was seriously in a bad state. He was trying to see his enemy power and strength but it was like something is blocking it. It was the first time for him, to be unable to judge someone's power. He turned to face Milim, who's eye was focus on Rimuru. They then immediatly charge towards rimuru with their punch forward. But Rimuru too. When they fist collided, it sent a huge shock wave in the dimension where the Walpurgis was. They then started to exchange punch after punch. Rimuru then enhanced his fist with a little amount of the [Nether Energy] and punch Milim in the stomach, which cause her to crash against the barrier Rimuru set. Guy was dumbfounded. He know the guy in front of him was seriously holding back because he didn't want to hurt his besty. But something was wrong too. This energy he used. He never felt it before. At this moment, he knows his opponent will not be an easy one. He then decided to become more serious.

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