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Everyone was wearing shirts that said "Devon's Wolfpack", which got smiles from everyone in the club. I was seated in the prime spot to watch the girls dance, something Jan had insisted on. She was still shocked that I was settling down, becoming a one woman person, and I think this was her idea of a last hurrah. I didn't mind, they were beautiful women and I have always loved beautiful women. I sipped my beer and watched lazily while everyone occupied themselves with dancing, drinking, lap dances. I think bachelor parties are really just excuses for everyone else to party, not that I was bothered by it, I liked giving people a reason to grind against each other and throw money at strippers who were working their asses off. I guess that things had just changed for me.

I was drifting away, thinking about Sara of course. My friends were enjoying themselves, I only had a few moments before they rushed over to bring me into the partying. Just a few seconds left until Jan did something that Best Men do. Moments.

A hand touched my shoulder. Probably Jan.

And then the other hand rested on my other shoulder. They slowly massaged my back, working out the tenseness.

God, it was just the way I needed it. The only person I could think of who would be able to do this so well would be-

"Sara? Babe, what are you doing here?" I asked, leaning back against the chair.

"Oh, you know, thought I'd see my girl off." The smooth voice came from behind me, definitely not Sara's.

I stood up so fast that the chair spun away from us and fell to the floor. "What are you doing here?" I hissed.

Carrie gave me her winning smile. "I already told you, I wanted to see you off. You're about to ruin your life with some girl. Honestly, how long do you think you'll last with just one woman in your life? Held down like that? Next thing you know she'll want babies. And she'll want a house in the suburbs. And she'll want to be a PTA mom. And you? You'll be wanting the hot girl who's flirting with you at work, wherever that is. How do you think your Sara will react to that? I, on the other hand, would be all in for you...exploring other options. I wouldn't even mind doing some exploring together." She gave me a wicked smirk and bit her lip seductively.

"Carrie, you will not ruin this for me. You don't really get this, do you? I'm in love with Sara. And not the kind of love where you make me feel like shit and I believe you're the best I can get. Not this love where you manipulate me into feeling more for you than you could feel for anyone. No, this isn't a fake love sort of thing. I want to wake up to Sara every morning, not because I'm scared that I can't handle being alone but because I don't want to be without her. I want to be with only her, and not because I don't think I can get anyone else, but because she's the only one I want. Sure, I will find other women attractive, there's no way I could ever just stop seeing other women as beautiful and sexy, but Sara is the one woman I want to actually to act on these thoughts with. I'm sick and tired of you coming to me, trying to sabotage my relationship, all because you suddenly need someone to treat you like a queen. Sorry to break it to you, but Sara is my queen. And the best part? She doesn't want a peasant like you do, she wants a queen to rule with her. And she chose me."

Carrie pursed her lips and looked like she was about to say something nasty, but someone's hand grabbed her shoulder and yanked her away from me. Carrie spun around to say something to Luce, whose hand was still on her shoulder. "Hey bitch, you better get out of here."

"Or what?" Oh Carrie, so sure of herself, like she actually had power here.

"Or you'll be carried out." Luce said firmly.

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