Sara's Night

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                She slid her fingers between mine and I just grinned. I loved how we always seemed to fit together perfectly. Puzzle pieces. I always imagined us as puzzle pieces.

                “Where to first?” She asked. We were standing in front of a map of the zoo. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been here.

                “I don’t know. What’s your favorite animal?”

                She smiled. “Penguins.”

                “Why penguins?”

                She shrugged. “They seem to have fun. They slide around and they fall in love with one other penguin and they just seem pretty happy is all.”

                “Did you hear about those gay penguins a few years ago? They gave them an egg. They wrote a children’s book about it too, it’s called Tango Makes Three. It was really cute.”

                “I heard about them. They must have been cute.”

                “They broke up in the end though.” I said.

                She squeezed my hand reassuringly. “What’s your favorite animal?”

                I thought about it for a moment. “I guess it’s a wolf.”

                She smiled. “Loyal.”

                I chuckled. “You read into things too much.”

                “Oh really? They say that a ‘human’ wolf pursues women for sexual gratification. Isn’t that what you did for the longest time? And I think you’re quite loyal once people get to know you.”

                “Aren’t wolves seen as dark and ominous too?” I smirked playfully, trying to prove her wrong.

                “And spiritual guides.”

                I laughed again. “You want to see so much in the little things. What’s a penguin mean?”

                “Playfulness and loving.”

                I thought about it for a moment. “Coincidence.”

                She smirked to herself. “Sure. Come on, we better get started or we won’t finish.” She pulled me along behind her and I tripped a little as I followed her, but caught myself before I fell. I caught up to her and looked over at her curiously.

                “You’re enjoying this whole thing, aren’t you?” I asked.

                “Loving it.” She looked over at me, this huge grin on her face.

                “Why?” She paused for a moment at a place where the path split into three and chose the one to the right.

                “You always do these things for me; I never get to take you out or anything. I’m not used to it, to be honest.”

                “Really?” I cocked my head to the side.

                “It’s not like I’m a pillow queen or anything.” She said, laughing. I thought back to our sexual experiences together, and I had to admit that she wasn’t exactly a passive lover. “My ex and I were pretty different from how we are.”

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