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I wasn't going to post this, but I figured that it's Christmas and I am on break and I wanted to give Devon and Sara the ending I had imagined when I started the book. I ended it a little earlier than I wanted to originally because of about a million reasons, but they didn't get the ending I wanted, and I felt bad. So I took the last hour and a half to write it up for you guys and it's not exactly how I imagined it, but I hope you all like it anyways. I mean, I'm getting ready to post it and I'm really nervous, like what if everyone hates it? But I figure, if you all hate it, I'll just delete it and we'll do Riley's story (the Secret Lives of Fireflies) the way I was going to without this little piece. It'll be like it never happened. But, if you all like it, then I will work it in there. Anyways, you're probably eager to get to the important part. Let me know what you all think about this. And this is, for real, the final chapter of this little adventure.


"Devon! We've got to go!" Sara called my name.

I was in a light purple dress shirt with an blue, orange, purple, and gray plaid tie and a pair of gray slacks. I looked good, which was important for today.

It had been about three months since I married Sara, and despite all the claims that things would be different, that we would get angry with each other, that something would just be off, I only fell more and more in love with her every day. Every day was the best day of my life, and I got to spend it with her. It was, well, it was just everything I imagined it would be.

Today was a special day. My parents had come to visit. They wanted to meet Caleb, congratulate Riley and the changes in his life, including his love life, and just see the town. They took a whole week off and it was their last night here, they wanted to go out to dinner. And Sara had suggested the place out first date had been at. I invited Riley and his growing family to come, but only he would be making it tonight.

I took a deep breath and stepped away from the mirror, "Okay babe, I'm coming!"

The doorbell rang and Sara said, "It's probably Riley, I'll get it!"

Riley didn't say he'd be coming to pick us up, but it wouldn't be the first time he had picked us up.

I didn't hear him say anything after the door opened though, Sara didn't even say anything, and though I knew I would be overreacting, I felt my chest clench and my stomach drop.


"Sara?" Nothing.

"Sara, babe, are you okay?" I forced my feet to stay still. I didn't want to seem overbearing or crazy. If I ran out there and they were just sitting on the couch I'd never live it down.

But she didn't answer. She wasn't answering.

And I couldn't help myself anymore. I bolted out the door, running as fast as I could across the living room to the hallway by the door.

I turned the corner and skidded to a stop. Sara was standing there, facing away from me, completely still and blocking the door.

"Sara, are you okay? Is everything alright? What happened?" Words were coming out of my mouth before I could even register what I was saying.


That didn't exactly give me much to go on.

"Yes, love?"

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