Something Good

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                “So what’s bugging you?” Jan asked as she leaned on her stick.

                “I don’t know. I just feel off. Everything is just different since school started.” I took a swig of my beer and shrugged.

                “You mean since that girl.” She raised an eyebrow.

                “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” I lied.

                “That girl you talked to a couple weeks ago. The last one you slept with until the horrible quickie you just went through. Holy shit, did it finally get you? Was I right? Are you in love with one of your one night stands?” Jan’s eyes widened and she took a drink, watching me closely.

                “I’m not in love. Seriously, you can’t love someone you don’t know.”

                “You have class with her.”

                “We don’t talk.”

                “Don’t you believe in soul mates or love at first sight or anything?”

                “I don’t believe in love at all.” I took another drink.

                She threw her hands up, “It’s love! It’s not the Easter Bunny! Are you honestly saying you don’t believe in love?”

                “Janice,” I teased, “Are you finally starting to listen to me?”

                “Don’t call me Janice and I don’t believe that you don’t think love is possible. It’s going to happen to you, and you’ll be shocked. You’re not going to understand it. I cannot wait until it happens.” She had this grin.

                The door opened and, out of habit, I looked over to see if there were any attractive women. As luck would have it, there was. Sara. No scarf or anything, and my mark was still there on her neck. I just smiled as I watched her cross the room. Her eyes found mine and she blushed deeply before looking back to her friends, making my smile broaden.

                “That would be the girl.” Jan said, watching her with me. She was smiling too, but I couldn’t figure out why, she didn’t fuck her. “That your handiwork?”

                “Is what my handiwork?” Sara and her friends all sat down and ordered drinks, a few of them cast glances over here and said something with smirks. Sara didn’t look up though, but she had that deep red blush that let me know I was on her mind.

                “That giant ass hickey.”

                “I don’t sleep with the same girl twice.”

                “But you did. And it was her. And you gave her a hickey.” I wished I could’ve hidden the smile, but I couldn’t.

                “Yeah, I did.” I finally admit.

                “She’s what’s been fucking you up man. It’s her, and you can’t get her out of your head. You finally fell for a girl.” She shook her head.

                “Fell into lust maybe. Look at her, don’t tell me that if you weren’t ‘in love’ with Lace that you wouldn’t be over there right now trying to get in her pants.”

                “I’ll admit, she’s hot, but you’ve screwed hot chicks before and not been like this. Come on, tell me that you haven’t seen her do something or heard her say something and thought about something other than sex.”

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