Christmas Feels

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                I woke up still on the floor with Sara in my arms.

                I smiled and kissed the back of her neck. “Baby?” I whispered.

                She grunted in response, obviously still wishing she was asleep.

                “Sara, our friends will be here soon. I think it’s time we got dressed, because I’m not okay with everyone seeing my fiancé naked.” Fiancé. The word sounded strange as it rolled off of my tongue, but a good type of strange. Like it was something normal. It felt right.

                “We don’t need them today, we can just stay here.” She mumbled as she pressed further into me, and I was quite tempted to just leave it at that, but I couldn’t. We did need to get up, we made plans and I spent a lot of time getting all of the things we needed to make dinner.

                “Baby, they’re going to be here soon whether we like it or not. Besides, don’t you want to show off that ring?” I felt my smile grow even larger, and I knew she was smiling too, I just knew. I could feel it, like how you can feel the rain coming in and how you just know when something isn’t right. It’s instinct, human nature. It’s like how birds know to fly north and south depending on the weather, they just know, it’s some primal, carnal, primitive thing inside that lets me read Sara so well. Maybe that’s just part of love, knowing.

                “It is a nice ring.” She mumbled softly, finally conceding to the idea of getting up.

                “I’m glad you liked it. I mean, I would have liked to give you one that had more meaning to me, like a family heirloom or something, but it was buried with my mother.”

                “I don’t mind at all. It’s nice to have this one, to have our own memories about it.”

                Somewhere in me my mind brought up the idea of it becoming a new family heirloom, being passed down to the family, but that was stupid because I didn’t want kids. But maybe, if Caleb had two boys, I could the younger one ours when he needed one. It seemed nice, to keep something like that going in a family, it seemed like something people did for a reason they couldn’t really explain. They did it because it felt right, and I’ll be honest, the idea of it moving on to some young kid getting ready to marry a girl seemed like the right idea.

                I shook the thought from my mind and rubbed Sara’s shoulder. “Come on, we have some food to make.”

                “A turkey.” She groaned.

                “And potatoes, green beans, gravy, pie, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, corn on the cob, and I got some eggnog and stuff for everyone to have. There’s quite a bit to do.”

                “Worst holiday ever.” She groaned.

                “And Christmas Eve?”

                She rolled over so she was facing me and I could see the grin and the twinkle in those crazy green eyes. “I think it’s my new favorite.”

                “That’s a lot of pressure to live up to next year.”

                “Not my fault you chose to propose then.”

                I smiled a little. “Yes it is. How could I wait any longer than that? Waiting that long was verging on impossible. Seeing you every day, falling more in love with you every day, wanting you more and more every day, and not fully knowing if I could have you to myself for the rest of my life? All I wanted every second of every day was to drop to one knee and ask you to grow old with me and love me until the end of time. But I waited. It was torture.” I lifted my fingers to her cheek and brushed my thumb over a freckle that resided just below her right eye.

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