I'll Find You

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                “Are you ready to go yet?” I asked as I came back inside from dropping off the tent and my duffle bag of clothes in Jan’s car that she was letting me use. Cooper was sitting in the backseat with his tongue out and his head out of the window and the car wasn’t even moving yet.

                “Almost. Just a minute.” Sara answered.

                “Do you need help?” I started walking into the room and Sara’s head popped out. She had this devilish glint in her eye.

                “No, I’m fine. Go wait in the car; I’ll be out in a moment.”

                “What are you up to?” I narrowed my eyes at her and took a step forward.

                “Nothing. Go wait in the car.” She grinned wickedly and slammed the door shut before I could reach it. I heard the lock click shut and I groaned loudly.

                “Fine, fine! I’ll go wait with the dog.” I mumbled and walked back out to the car.

                I was sitting in the driver’s seat, still scowling, when I heard the trunk close and Sara open the door. She kissed my cheek and said, “We can go now.”

                “I wanna know what took you so long.” I frowned, but started the car anyways.

                “I’ll tell you later, don’t worry. How far away is it?” Sara reached back to scratch Cooper behind the ear.

                “We have to drop him off at Jan’s, and then it’s about a two and a half hour drive to the campsite.”

                “It’ll be about six when we get there.” Sara turned back to me.

                “Yeah, and we’ll set up the tent and I’ll start a fire and we can have hot dogs and s’mores and then go to bed. Sound good?”

                “Sounds pretty wonderful.” She smiled as I pulled up Jan’s house.

                “I’ll be back in a minute.” I got out and let Cooper out of the backseat. I had his leash in my hand as we walked up to the apartment Jan stayed in. I knocked on the door and waited patiently for Jan.

                “Dev! Hey!” She looked down and smiled at the little Australian Shepherd. “And hello to you too Cooper!” She rubbed the top of his head and looked back to me. “Walk him three times a day, feed him a cup in the morning and afternoon, and play with him because he’s so adorable.”

                I rolled my eyes and handed her all of Cooper’s things, including his bed. “Take care of him while we’re gone, okay?”

                She held her right hand up and said, “I swear. You take care of your girl too, don’t want her getting bit by something or drowning or who knows what.”

                “She’s not incapable of taking care of herself you know, I think she’ll be fine.” I shook my head and started to turn away. “I’ll see you Monday.” I raised my hand in farewell as she said goodbye and made my way back to the car.

                “Now it’s just you and me.” Sara said when I started the car again.

                “Hope that’s not a problem.” I said with a small grin.

                “Not at all. I like it that way.” Before I could actually start driving she turned my face to look at her and softly pressed her lips against mine. “Just the two of us for the weekend.”

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