Hospital Stay

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                Blinding pain. That’s all I knew. I wasn’t sure where it hurt or why it hurt, I couldn’t even figure out where I was or what happened, all I knew was that I was in the most pain I’d ever been in. I couldn’t tell if I was screaming or rolling on the ground or if I was still in the air.

                I felt like I was there for forever. I heard a voice, but it was muffled. Everything was dull. The world was blurry and I couldn’t hear what the person was saying, the only clear thing was the pain. I couldn’t take it anymore. My body couldn’t take the pain. I just let that darkness take hold and bring me to sleep.

                I woke up in a white room. White walls, white ceiling, white sheets. I couldn’t remember where I was, or why I was there. My head hurt like a bitch. It was throbbing and throbbing and my world was spinning.

                “Dev?” Who was that? Why did it sound like she was crying? Where was I?

                “Nic? Are you awake?” His voice was strained. What was going on? Who were these people? Why did everything hurt?

                Just as I was starting to fall back into that blackness, I heard another voice, “What did she do this time?” That one sounded familiar too.

                “Get out.” Said the man’s voice.

                And then it was gone.

                “Ah, Ms. Raines, glad to see you’re awake again.” He was so loud and the lights were too bright.

                “Who are you?” My voice sounded like sandpaper and it hurt to speak. Hell, everything hurt. Breathing hurt.

                “I’m Dr. Morgan. You were on your bike and got into a bit of an accident. You’re lucky you wore your leather jacket or more than your hands would have been torn up.”

                I struggled to sit up and a nurse held a cup of water to my mouth, which I drank from eagerly. My head was swimming from the effort of sitting up, but I was determined not to black out again. “What do you mean?”

                “Well, your hands are all torn up from you sliding on the road. The rest of you is in even worse shape. You broke your right leg and dislocated your right shoulder and a couple fractured ribs. You’re pretty lucky though. It could’ve been a lot worse.”

                “Shit.” My voice was still rough, and it still hurt to say much of anything.

                He laughed, “That’s one reaction to it. Now, you have some visitors, so I’m going to send them in if that’s okay. They haven’t left since they found out.” He smiled and said, “You have some loyal friends.”

                I nodded and he left. I had about 30 seconds of being alone before the door opened again and Sara flew through it. She hugged me tightly and I winced in pain. “Hey there.” I said and she finally let go.

                She had tear stains and she sniffed. “Goddammit Dev!! You could have fucking died!” She yelled.

                “Thanks for asking if I was ok.” I smirked at her and looked around her to see Caleb leaning against the wall. He looked like he felt a little out of place, so I gestured with my head for him to come over here. “Come on, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend.”

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