Chapter 5

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The meeting passed in a whiz as soon as Ms. Caddel rejoined us.

Although I had the final say in all the decisions, she helped guide the architects toward the type of sketches that I was looking for by pointing out all the little things in the previous designs that were suitable for the idea I had in mind.

She was so good at her job that I momentarily considered stealing her from Sebastian's company, but I was sure I'd never hear the end of it from him if I actually did that.

We managed to wrap up the meeting half an hour early after giving the architectural team a good idea of what I wanted and sending it off on their way to draft a final blueprint in the next few days.

Remembering how poorly Ms. Caddel reacted to being in a car with me, I called Lukas on the way down the elevator to come to pick her up.

She started to fret almost immediately when she heard me mention her name on the phone to Lukas. It was almost adorable how round her eyes could become as she waved her hands around in futile, trying to get me to hang up. But she eventually gave into me when I came up with some excuse about how I needed to go in the opposite direction to meet up with the head of one of my child companies.

It wasn't an entirely truthful statement, considering I was originally going to have that man meet me in my office, but it was good enough to get her into the car with Lukas.

Sadly, I didn't make it back to the office until late in the afternoon. The meeting with the head of my child company wasn't difficult at all because it was just the usual monthly report. But my lack of caffeine in the last two days and the fact that I missed lunch today had really started to affect me.

By the time I reached the door to my office, I had a raging headache, and all I wanted to was a bit of quiet time. However, the so-called Gods were not in my favor.

Rather than find a peaceful and empty office, I found a moron called Andrew standing in the waiting room of my office.

My eye twitched at the sight. Rubbing the side of my temple, I asked in as calm of a voice as I could manage, "Good afternoon, Andrews. I assume you have the invoices I'm looking for, right?"

"Y-yes, sir," stuttered the man in question. "T-there was just a few i-inconsistencies that I thought w-we should go over t-together."

I sighed and motioned for him to sit down. "Alright. Hurry up and show me what you're talking about."

He was practically shaking in his seat as he pulled out the papers and pointed to all the items corresponding to the inconsistencies.

The throbbing pain in my head became increasingly worse with each word spilling out of his mouth. None of these items were part of any inconsistency in the orders caused by outsourcing. Rather it was all caused by his atrocious computational skills.

When I finally had enough of his incessant words, I snapped and barked, "For fuck's sake, how bad do you have to be at your job to not even realize that it's all a bunch of 2nd-grade arithmetic errors?!? Not only do you have the audacity to come up with a bunch of bullshit excuses for missing your deadline, but you seem to be so arrogant that you can't even realize that you did your work incorrectly and that this mistake has nothing to do with anyone else!"

"M-Mr. N-niko—"

"Just shut up for once in your goddamned life. I feel like my head is going to burst from listening to your idiocy."


"Get out! I've had enough of you." I slammed my hand down on the table, making the entire structure shudder under the impact. "Considered yourself fired. If you don't get out of my eyesight in the next 5 seconds, I will make sure that you can't get hired anywhere else!"

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