Chapter 43

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"What's wrong with you today?"

Huh? I looked up from the mixing bowl of pancake batter in confusion. "What do you mean, Theo?"

He shrugged half-heartedly and replied as he continued dropping chocolate chips into the pancake batter, "Normally, you're always clinging onto Ms. Belle and asking for kisses whenever you think I'm not looking, but you've barely been within a ten feet radius of her all morning."

Embarrassment immediately rose inside of me.

It was already bad enough that I could barely get close to Belle today without dirty thoughts popping up. The mere sight of her reminds me of how alluring she looked underneath me earlier before I accidentally went too far. How sinfully lovely her moans sounded against my ear. How smooth her bare skin felt under my touch.

Even though I just came back from the humiliation of driving back to my apartment in the cold with a boner and spending more than 30 minutes in an icy cold shower in the middle of the winter to get it down, my body still wouldn't listen to me and kept insisting on getting turned on by the littlest of things.

The nape of her bare neck whenever she tilted her head to read something from her book.

The wafts of her sweet fruity scent whenever she walked passed me.

The mere sight of her plump lips.

My cheeks burned when I realized my thoughts were starting to drift off again.

It was already embarrassing enough that I seemed to be reverting back to a horny teenager, but it was even worse that even a five-year-old noticed it.

I warily glanced at Theo, feeling highly ashamed of thinking about his mother in such an inappropriate manner while he was standing right next to me, but he didn't seem to take any note of it. If anything, he simply continued adding more chocolate chips into the batter as if he didn't ask such a shameless question.

I awkwardly cleared my throat and lied, "Um... It's nothing. I'm just trying to spend some more time with you..." Changing the subject, I took the bowl out of his hand, which was now more chocolate chips than actual pancake batter. "I think that's enough chocolate for now. Why don't you tell your mother that breakfast will be ready soon? I will finish cooking them in just a few minutes, and we can eat together, okay?"

He nodded obediently as he hopped off his stool with an adorable little oomph and untied his child-sized apron decorated in cartoon strawberries, one that distinctly matched Belle's apron that was hanging in the closet. After carefully hanging his apron back on the lower hook of the two, he ran out of the kitchen and scurried up the stairs in search of his said mother.

Once he was out of earshot, I sighed in relief. I must've reached new levels of shame after everything that happened in the few hours that is today.

Trying to take my thoughts off it, I heated up a skillet and started dolloping spoonfuls of batter onto its surface.

Theo was a smart boy, one who recently received an IQ score of 156 as part of his entrance exam for the university I found for him. I didn't exactly know his past, but I did know that he wasn't just academically smart. He was much more observant and emotionally mature than any five-year-old I've ever met, maybe even more so than the majority of the adults I knew.

As such, it worried me that he might eventually catch onto what happens in the bedroom. It wasn't exactly something I wanted a five-year-old to be exposed to yet, even if he had the mindset of an adult.

I sighed heavily as I mindlessly flipped the pancakes.

This wouldn't have been an issue in a normal relationship, one where kids came only after marriage and several years of alone time together as a couple. But I would never use it as a reason not to be with them. If anything, I was grateful to have a child who was so clever and understanding.

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