Chapter 13

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"You arrived at the office late today, Mr. Nikolaos. Did something happen?"

I shook my head as I followed Lukas to the room holding all the mock-up designs. "No, I was just dropping off some sweets to Sebastian as an apology. He's been a bit upset with me since last week."

Lukas chuckled lightly as he held a hand up to his lips, trying to hide his amusement. "Ah yes, Mr. Harlow can be quite the character sometimes."

He stopped in front of a room just a couple of doors down from my office and held the door open for me. I stepped into the display room, glancing at the mock-up of my new headquarters in the corner of the room and all the notes scattered across the center table.

The mock-up was quite detailed and followed the design plans to the tee. A tall skyscraper rounded at the top with glass walls looking over the city with 80 or so floors. Plus an open garden concept on the roof of the building with open access to any of my employees.

I picked up a few of the papers on the table, immediately recognizing a set of familiar handwriting. "Is Ms. Caddel already in the office?"

Lukas nodded, "Yes, same time, as usual, 3 hours ago at 7 AM."

I told her she didn't have to worry about work, but she still came anyway. And so early too...

Was she really alright? I didn't want her to get triggered by something in the office that might accidentally remind her of that bastard. Maybe I could check on her on one of my breaks between meetings?

Setting the papers back down, I replied, "Okay, just tell her everything looks good, and she can proceed with the current plans as is. I'll be in my office if you need anything."

He nodded placidly and started gathering the materials into a pile.

Leaving Lukas to his own devices, I made my way into my office to start on this week's notices and updates. I draped my jacket over one of the spare chairs and circled around my desk to my seat.

I sighed when I saw the overflowing mess on my desk. There were several new piles of manila folders on my desk, probably from my VPs turning in their reports after checking on the child companies they were in charge of.

I pushed the folders aside in search of my laptop but paused when I found a coffee cup sitting next to my monitor. It was still warm, meaning someone brought it in for this morning. I turned around pthe cup and found a little note on the side.

"A little thank you since you didn't get to finish your coffee last time. ~Arabelle"

A small smile crept onto my face as my eyes scanned over the note over and over again. Why did even the littlest of her gestures make my chest flutter?

I sipped on the coffee as I worked on my papers for the rest of the morning, reveling in the warmth that it brought me despite all the stress that came from work. Time flew by, and I easily reduced the stacks in half by the time lunch arrived.

Glancing at my watch, I realized I had about 40 minutes before my first meeting in my string of back-to-back appointments in the afternoon.

Ms. Caddel should be back from her morning outings by now right?

I stepped out of my office ad made a sharp turn into Ms. Caddel's office, As I rounded the corner, I frowned when I noticed the lack of a person sitting at the desk inside the glass office, but it quickly went away when I spotted a familiar little boy sitting in the corner of the room.

With a light knock to announce my entrance, I walked into the office and made my way to said boy.

Theo looked up, scowling the moment he saw me before turning his attention back to his tablet as if to ignore me.

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