Chapter 81

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A tall and hard appearance but he still handled me with an unexpected level of consideration and gentleness.

An intimidating silent front but soft spoken in the rare moments that he did speak.

A rather expressionless face and yet his eyes still somehow able to carry such raw emotions.

Everything about this man seemed like a contradiction. 

After the doctor had concluded that I had temporarily lost about a year's worth of memories from my concussion, she suggested that I stay overnight for monitoring and told me to refrain from exerting too much energy.

With these instructions, Demetrius spent the rest of the day fretting over my every need. Asking me if I was hungry, if I wanted some water, whether I was in pain anywhere, and a whole list more.

Even though he was already hovering over my every move, I could tell that he trying really hard to hold himself back to avoid frightening me.

Every time he reflexively reached out to me in fear of me hurting myself... Every time he accidentally brushed his hand against my skin... Every time he leaned in to give me a kiss out of what seemed to be habit...

He would always catch himself halfway and immediately pull back with a guilty look when he saw how tense I had become.

No matter how much I tried to convince myself that he was a safe person, someone that even Theo trusted, I still couldn't stop my body from reacting that way whenever he got too close for comfort.

For the life of me, I could not understand how he could be so patient with me when I was clearly being completely unreasonable.

Why would he love someone as broken as me?

He had briefly explained how we met in early November... describing how Theo threatened him the first couple of times they met to when he started officially courting me, gaining my trust step by step until I had apparently accepted his proposal and moved in with him to a new house all within a few months.

He told me that we had only been married for a few weeks, only coming back from our honeymoon trip a week ago before I ended up in the hospital.

I found it hard to believe that I would trust someone like him so willingly in such a short amount of time. But one look at his eyes told me more than enough to know that he was not someone who would ever be able to betray me, to know that he had sworn his soul to me and only me alone.

Love. Respect. Adoration.

His eyes said it all.

This was a man who would go to the end of the world and back for me, and I feared he might just bring the world to ruins if I were to ever die.

He was loyal beyond fault, and it wasn't fair for him to be chained down to someone like me.

What would happen if I never regained my memories?

"Love..." A soft voice called out to me but my mind barely registered it as my thoughts continued to spiral.

He would most likely stay as my husband out of respect for our wedding vows.

He was a gentleman that would continue to take care of me as his wife even though I wouldn't be able to reciprocate.

"My love..."

But that would be much too cruel of a fate for him.

He deserved someone who could love him as fiercely as he loved his partner. Not someone like me who would never heal from my past.

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