Chapter 59

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"Are you sure you don't want to help your mom pick out her wedding dress instead?"

I glanced down at Theo worriedly. I was going to spend the day running errands, so I wasn't sure if he would enjoy it all that much.

But the little one only nodded in affirmation and chirped, "Mom said that I should go with dad because he doesn't notice when other girls hit on him."

I sighed at his words. Was I really that bad? I had no problem noticing the golddiggers in the past who would try to come onto me with their suggestive touches and naked bodies sprawled out on my desks, but was I really oblivious to all other types of less extreme forms of flirtation?

Holding my hand, Theo skipped along with my steps and continued, "Besides, I want to spend time with dad. We haven't gotten to spend much time together with just the two of us since I started taking classes from that professor."

I smiled as I rounded the corner of the block. "Then, why don't we get breakfast together before we finish that to-do list your mom gave us?

He nodded happily as we made our way toward the café at the end of the block, the one that I would usually opt for whenever Sebastian dragged me out of my old apartment for brunch on the weekend.

Oddly enough, it was quite crowded today. Not wanting Theo to get trampled in the crowd, I quickly swept him up into my arms as I pushed open the door and made my way to the counter.

A few of the other patrons turned their heads at my entrance, probably recognizing my face from a magazine somewhere, but I paid no mind as I waited in line with Theo. Nodding toward the menu posted above the cash register and the carts of baked goods lined up against the wall, I told Theo, "Just tell me what you want, and I'll get it for you."

He nodded quietly with an adorable sparkle in his eyes as they scanned over the sweets in the window.

I chuckled softly as I noted the indecision in his eyes. I guess all the choices were so good that his sweet tooth couldn't help wanting all of them.

By the time we reached the front of the line, his eyebrows were still furrowed in deep concentration with the problem at him, not even snapping out of it when the young girl behind the cash register gave us the usual greetings.

I nudged him softly and asked him, "What would you like, Theo?"

He pursed his lips as his eyes scanned back over the baked good, still unable to decide.

Chuckling softly, I told him, "You can get more than one. I'm sure your mother would also love to try some if we can't finish all of it."

His eyes immediately lit up at the suggestion. "Then, can we get the chocolate croissant, the cream-filled bun, and a strawberry tart for mom?"

"Of course, Theo." I turned to the young cashier with a polite smile and asked, "Can you also add a spinach-bacon frittata and some hash browns?"

The girl nodded with a light pink tint grazing her cheeks. "Would you like anything else?"

My eyes lit up at the reminder. "Oh yes, I almost forgot, but can you also add an orange juice for him and a coffee for me?"

Her cheeks turned a deeper color as she typed in our order. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she shyly asked, "How would you like your coffee? I can make a latte or—"

Before she could finish, Theo chipped in, "He likes a dark roast espresso with a spoonful of condensed milk the way mom makes it for him at home."

The girl flinched at his cold words and silently nodded in understanding. She finished the rest of the transaction in silence and handed me the receipt with a meek "your order will be delivered to your table."

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