Chapter 56

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"Arabelle is still in a meeting right now."

I turned around at the familiar voice, only to find Sebastian standing behind me with a knowing smirk.

He continued, "You were looking for her, weren't you?"

I rolled my eyes at his unamusing antics but nodded anyway. "Theo's class ends in an hour, and I told her I would pick her up before then."

"I see." He opened up the door to his office and gestured for me to enter. "She's running about half an hour behind schedule today. Why don't you wait in here until she's ready?"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion but accepted his offer anyway. Sitting down in one of the free chairs in his office, I asked, "Did something go wrong? Belle isn't usually one to run behind schedule?"

Sebastian chuckled slyly as he rounded his desk. "I thought you, of all people, would know why she's late. After all, you are the one responsible for her limping, aren't you?"

My cheeks heated up at the insinuation, making me divert my eyes out of the embarrassment of being caught.

He continued, "You know, it wouldn't hurt to let up a little bit. Only a blind man wouldn't be able to see her limp from a mile away. She nearly fell out of her desk the first time she tried to stand up today. And let me just tell you that her makeup also does little to hide the marks you left around her neck."

I pursed my lips and grumbled, "I told her that she didn't have to go to work today, but she insisted."

Sebastian laughed. "Whatever you say, man. I'm just telling you that you really did a number on her."

I rolled my eyes and turned my head away from him, opting to look out the glass walls of his office instead in hopes of spotting my girl earlier than later.

"Just wondering, but..." He leaned down closer to me and jokingly asked, "Is she a feisty one in bed? She always seems so put together and calm at work that it makes me wonder if she's a screamer."

I shoved him off the arm of my chair, making him unceremoniously drop onto the ground with a loud thud and sharp yelp.

"Hey! I was just asking. No need to be so mean!" I side-eyed him before looking away again.

Belle was quite vocal in bed. Her gasps whenever I went too deep. Her soft delectable moans every time I hit her sweet spot. Her whines for more. Her little whimpers whenever I had to pull away for just a moment.

Just the mere thought of it sent a shock running straight down cock.

But I would never divulge such information to him. It was only for me to know about and to hear.

He pouted as he picked himself back up. "You're supposed to be nicer after getting laid for once, not meaner."

"Then you shouldn't be talking about my fiancée like that."

He huffed as he plopped down on the seat across from me. Brushing his hair back, he changed the subject and asked, "How's the little bud doing? I heard from Arabelle that you got the little genius into Princeton for the next term."

I nodded. "He starts his remote classes in two weeks. Until then, he wants to continue with the lectures that he has been taking at the city library."

"I'm assuming he's going to graduate from college early too..." He hummed softly as he churned over my words. "Have you thought about introducing him to the company some time soon?"

"... Only a little. He's still young, after all, and I don't even know if he would even want to take over my position later."

"I suppose... But then again, I guess you can't just randomly announce that you're taking in someone else's child as your heir."

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