Chapter 27

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I woke up with a heavy weight draped over my body in a wonderfully warm embrace. My senses were filled with the soothing scent of a familiar deep cologne, and all I wanted to do was snuggle up even further into big... firm... pecs?

My eyes immediately snapped awake when I realized that I had not been cozying up to a bunch of pillows. Rather, I was lying on Demetrius's broad chest and rubbed my cheek against his pecs like some sort of pervert.

My cheeks immediately flushed at the sight of his naked form laying underneath me. I could feel every inch of his muscles naturally flexing under my touch.

In my panic from finding him in such an ill state, I didn't have a chance to fully appreciate his lack of a shirt until now. I was too busy replacing the towel on his forehead and trying to make something for him to eat out of the few ingredients that he kept in his apartment.

He had been asleep for the most part, letting his fever die down with rest, but he did wake up briefly last night. He wasn't fully coherent, but it was enough to get a bowl of soup into his system. The only problem was that when he started to doze off again, he threw another semi-fit about me trying to leave him even though I was only trying to put the bowl back into the kitchen.

He ended up pulling me down into bed with him and caging me into him with his arms as he snuggled his head into the crook of my neck, burying his head under my bird's nest of a head of hair. It was kind of like how a child would snuggle up to a giant teddy bear.

Even though he had fallen asleep soon after, his hold was so secure that I couldn't even remove one of his arms. I was only able to slip out one of my arms after much effort to grab my phone off the side of the bed to tell Theo that I wouldn't be able to go home for the night.

Theo wasn't pleased with my notification at all and ended up scolding me over the phone like a parent, even though he was my five-year-old son. Eventually, he let up when I explained how Demetrius had fallen ill and agreed to stay home by himself.

I didn't like the idea of leaving him alone and often fretted about it, but he would always point out how he was less likely to run into danger by himself than with me, sadly reminding me of how he lived before I found him.

After a long phone call, he eventually hung up, and I found myself staring at Demetrius's face without much else to do. It was a tad nerve-wracking to be left alone in a dark room with a man for the first time, but I reminded myself that Demetrius would never try to harm me in my sleep. He had shown me nothing but respect since we first met and had done nothing to make me doubt him otherwise.

Despite my initial wariness, I soon fell asleep in the overwhelming warmth of his arms and now found myself completely sprawled out on top of his chest.

We must've shifted during our sleep, but Demetrius didn't seem to be bothered by the change in position at all. He was still sleeping soundly, completely unaffected by having my entire body weight on his chest. If anything, I was being lifted up and down every rise and fall of his chest without hindering his breathing pattern in any way.

I thought about getting off of him to let him sleep more comfortably, but that thought quickly flew out the window when he nearly woke up from a slight shift in my legs.

I sighed as I stilled myself, not wanting to disturb him from his peaceful sleep while he was still recovering from his fever. At least he wasn't burning up anymore.

My eyes trailed down his body, glancing over his sharp jawline down to his prominent collarbones. His bulging shoulders spread out almost halfway across the bed, with arms thicker than my legs resting on my lower back. Although I couldn't see it, I could feel his abs flexing underneath every only in while and the slight divots next to his hips.

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