Chapter 8

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"She got blood cold as ice, 

 And a heart made of stone."

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Harry's mind replayed Mr. Shelby's show from the day before. His stupid smirk on his amused face as he tricked her into giving him answers. 

Still, she sat tied to the uncomfortable chair, never once being unsupervised by some blinder. Blood had dried on her face, and her head had finally stopped spinning, yet she could see no way out. Harry sighed; there was no way she would be able to escape if there was always someone on watch.

The door opened to the room as the devil returned, waltzing in. His goons got up, leaving them alone after a quick nod from Mr. Shelby.

Perching himself onto the table opposite her, he took out a cigarette from his pocket. Harry watched his every move as he rolled the cigarette along his lips before taking out a lighter and taking a drag from it—a man of habit, she noted. 

After a few moments of silence, he finished his cigarette, tapping the butt into the table to put it out. Pushing himself off the table, he strolled over towards Harry. Taking his cap off as he proceeded to walk around behind her, Harry sat up straighter as her senses heightened.

He held the cap with the razor blades close to her neck. The breath hitched in her throat as he grabbed ahold of Harry's hair with his spare hand. She realized Shelby was toying with her again, watching for her reaction. Harry quickly concluded if Thomas Shelby wanted her dead, he would have done it already.

 "Go on then," Harry lowly spoke, trying to build up all of her courage to stop her voice from wavering. Thomas smirked as he removed the cap in front of Harry's face and began cutting the binds from her wrists. Harry remained still in disbelief.

"Now your boss tells me you're a pickpocket." Harry's face filled with confusion. How had he found Lee so fast? And more importantly, why did they discuss her hobbies?

"Not to say I don't trust him, but well, I don't," he continued. "So, you're going to prove it, or I'm going to believe that you're indeed working for Kimber. And well, if that's the case, I have no option but to dispose of you," He stated with zero emotion.

He walked back around in front of her, replacing the cap on his head, holding his arms out so Harry could see he was wearing a black coat over a tailored three-piece suit.

"Steal my wallet." He simply stated. 

Harry slowly stood up, rubbing her wrists as she went, unsure if this was just another one of his tricks. But his face held no lie, so she decided to progress, walking forward, intent on taking his smug smile away, proving herself to him.

As Harry reached him, she sped up, bumping into his left-hand side lightly, staring directly into his eyes as a distraction technique, grabbing hold of his arm and pretending to quickly steady herself before stepping away.

Harry hopped up, sitting on the table where Thomas had previously been seated. Turning to look at Harry, he shook his head as he reached into his coat to retrieve his wallet.

"The wallet's still here; your boss is either stupid and lied to me, or you are." He stated with a deadpan expression

"The wallets there, but your money is gone," Harry replied with her own smirk. 

"Oh, and your pocket watch, cuff link, and my, my Mr. Shelby, you have a fancy taste of Pens. Do you write with them or shove them up your...?" Harry tailed off with a chuckle, enjoying playing her own games. Thomas clenched his jaw, trying to ignore the crude remark as he checked his wallet, pockets, and sleeves, only to find she had not lied.

"Alright, very clever," holding out his hand, silently ordering me to give his property back.

"Mr. Leroy Pallete said you were good, and well, he did mention your cockiness," he spoke out. Harry's mind raced with confusion; why did Lee tell him she was an excellent pickpocket? There was no doubt she was, but why have that conversation? Her thoughts were interrupted as Thomas continued to speak.

"We'll see if you're worth as much as I paid for you." Harry blinked in disbelief. What did he mean paid for? Did Leroy sell her off to the peaky blinders??

Mr. Shelby stood up, walking towards the door, only to stop and glance back at Harry. 

"Well, come on, boy, unless you want to rot here for the rest of your life?" 

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