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Ivy's POV

I woke up this morning feeling a bit better. Maybe all I needed to do was cry. I didn't do anything cuts and I am proud I didn't.

I have a shower and put on a pair of ripped black jeans and a baby blue shirt with the saying ' I love butterflies' because I do.

I get my bag and walk into the kitchen taking my coffee. I see my dad in the lounge

"off today?"

"yeah. I need some sleep"

My dad is a trucker. He was off only twice a week but other times he was really busy. He would video call us whenever he could.

Seeing as I woke up late I rush and get ready. I speed walk to school and finally I reach school and walk straight to class seeing as I was late. It was already first period and we had English.

"morning sir. Sorry I am late"

"no problem take your seat"

Mr Khan looked intimidating but we think he is nice. He rarely smiles but he does when he talks to us.

The day passes by and it was already time to go home. I walk out with Eliza and Dayna.

"guys so maybe we should all get together this weekend" Eliza suggests and I agree instantly.

"yeah guys we should. We haven't spent much time together" Dayna adds.

We decided to talk about it on the group when we get home. I see Clive in the car park so I say my byes and walk to the car.

"how was your day?" he asked

"not bad and yours?"


"I am so hungry can we go home quick"

"you're to much in a hurry all the time"


"yes. Now tell me how is your crush? What's his name? Chris.. Yes Chris how is he?"

"I don't want to speak about him. I am trying to get over him"

"why? What happened?"

I tell Clive the whole story from start to end, the cuts, during lunch the amount I have cried.

"Ivy you I know your friends and whoever may have told you this before but I will say it again. You are an amazing girl. A very pretty one and one day there will be a man.. Remember my word. A man who will appreciate you and love you and those cuts I understand that it helps you but it only helps for that second. In the future you will want to do it again but you have the will power to stop "

" I know but all of this is just so much and when people talk and look it's so hurtful. "

" so what! People are fuck heads. Fuck them, fuck their thoughts and they are looking at you because of your beautiful smile "

I snort at his words.

" thank you Clive. I appreciate you so much "

" I am always here. Now how about some ice-cream "

I nod. We drive to the ice-cream shop just past the mall and order our ice-creams.

I bite mine and eat all the chocolate before we could even reach home.

"if your mother asks why you are late tell her I had a flat tire"

I laugh but agree, I walk into the house and see mom and dad watching TV

"why are you home so late?"

"Clive had a flat tire"

"did he fix it should I help him out?"

"no he fixed it at school"

I walk to my room and change into some comfy clothes before looking for something small to eat.

I head back to my room with a bowl of noodles and eat that while reading the manga Jinx. Spicy to much spice for me though.

I see my phone light up and it was a text from my friends. They were planning on meeting at Eliza's house this weekend.

I rushed to the living room seeing mom there. "mom can I go over to Eliza's house this Saturday please? "

"okay, but you know the deadline"

"okayy thank you"

I hug her and walk back to my room.  I tell the girls that I can come over, we all are excited because we planned to do some fun things.

I do some reading till it was dinner time. We all ate and spoke for a while. I went to bed somewhere around nine.


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