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Jay's POV

Never in my life have I been this desperate for a kiss. I wanted more and more till my lips would be numb. We reach the hospital in a few minutes and walk in.

"I'll see my dad real quick and be back" she tells me disappearing into the hallway.

I walk towards Jason's room and see him on his phone. He was smiling like a fool.

"hey scamp" I ruffle his hair and sit down besides him.

I peak into his tablet and see him looking at pictures of mom and dad when he was just born.

"mom was so pretty" he says

"yeah, you have her eyes you know"

"you look like dad, scary" I chuckled at his words.

We spoke a while before Ivy walked in. She had a smile on her face.

"hey guys" she puts down a tray of hot chocolate and dounghts.

"Jason the doctor said you are allowed to have this so be my guest" she hands him the tray and he gives her this beaming smile.

"thank youuu Ivy" he jumps up and leaves the tray down before hugging her tightly.

Besides me he has never behaved like this with anyone. He is happy and likes her a lot.

"alright that's enough now how about all of us dig into these dounghts" i say taking the tray and handing him the dounghts

"here" I hand one to Ivy

"no I am okay I am actually so full" I could read her face and I knew she was lying.

"Take. It. Now" my eyes pinning her

"Jay I am serious i brought this for you both"

"so am I, take it now Ivy"

"you're the real donkey here stubborn damn thing"

"thank you" I lean down and kiss her forehead before walking over to the other side and sitting besides Jason as she sat with him on the bed.

"so what do you want to watch?" Jason asks her

"spongebob please"

"I agree" he says.

I watch these two get closer, closer than Ivy and I are. They laugh at the smallest things in the show.

"I have to phone my mom real quick I'll be back"

She steps out and Jason and I watch spongebob till he falls asleep because of the medication he has been taking.

I look at my watch it was already 4 pm. Ivy walks in and she smiles at me.

"you good?" I ask her

"yeah my mom is coming by  but she is curious now"

"what do you mean?"

"she is asking how I keep walking here alone because she knows I could never"

"what did you tell her?"

"a school friend also has a brother here" she squeaks out 

I smile and shake my head "does she want to meet this school friend?"


"fine come get me when she comes by"

"that's the thing, she is already here with my dad"

"let's go then"

"is he okay?" she asked patting Jason's head.

"yeah the medication is knocking him out" I chuckle as we walk out.

We walk to her dad's hospital room, I see her dad lay in bed with a lady besides him.

"mom, dad... this is Jay my school friend who has been bringing me here"

I step forward and shake both her parents hands before standing aside.

"nice to meet you boy" her dad says, his voice raspy

"yes, thank you for bringing her here" her mom said giving me a smile before looking at Ivy and shooting her a wink. I internally smirk knowing I already have her mom on my side.

"should I get you guys something to eat?" I asked

"no no but do me a favor and take this girl home, she isn't bothered about herself"  her mom tells me.

"mom. Stop that" she softly warns

"oh shh go home and message me when you are there, I'll stay here with dad and tomorrow Clive will take you to school, I'll be back by 8 tomorrow morning"

"okay, but I'll walk tomorrow"

"no mam it's fine I'll take Ivy to school seeing as we do attend the same school, it's easier" her mom gives me a smile.

"tomorrow night when we come I'll see your brother Ivy told me about, if you don't mind? " her mom asked gently, she reminded me of mom.

"that would be amazing" I tell her

Ivy and I walk out and get into my truck before I start it and we reach her house in a while.

"come on" she tugs at my t-shirt

"you're sure?"

"yes donkey now come on"

I step out and walk inside with her. Her house was warm it wasn't a house but a home. She had her family and love. I was jealous that the girl I liked had so much more. She had everything I craved.

"let me change and I'll be back" she says running up the staircase  with her short legs

"let me watch"

"huh what uh!?"

"let me watch you, I won't touch you Ivy I just I..fuck I sound like a pervert I am sorry I'll just leave"

"noo please I don't want to be alone and I want you here with me please stay" she takes my hand in hers leading me to her room.

"sit down and relax for a big guy you act all wierd"

"yeah yeah, how is your tattoo?"

"it's amazing wait let me show you!" she beams wuth excitement.

"you know I just realized that you may not be 18, how old are you Ivy?"

"oh... 17 turning 18 on the 4th of December"

"fuck thank God"

"why, how old are you?"


I let out a sigh of relief as she walks toward the bathroom. Seconds later she comes out in a pair of black and blue shorts with a purple vest. She looked adorable.

I walk up to her and engluf her in a hug and kiss her cheek.

"you look like my sweet dream"

"really" she turns to face me with a smile on her chubby face.

"yes Ivy"


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