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Ivy's POV

I woke up to mom calling out my name. I shower quickly before brushing my teeth. I decided to wear this cute blue sweat pants and a black vest it all looked so cute together.

I use my converse sneakers and pull my hair up in a loose pony tail and take my bag and walk out.

I grab the lunch mom had made and stuffed it into my bag.

"mom I'll walk today"

"you're sure?"

"yes I need some fresh air"

"okay have a good day, love you"

"love you to"

I plug in my ear phones and blast Chase Atlantic through the micro speakers.

I had cleared my mind just allowing the music to get me in a good mood. I reach school and walk in.  I was early and I don't see my friends anywhere so I sit at the steps we usually sit at.

I continue listening to my music when I feel someone behind me.

"morning" it was Chris

"oh hi, morning"

He sits down and my body is in shock. When I liked him he  never looked at me not once.

"so what are you listening to?" I give him one earphone and he smiles as the song Beauty In Death played.

"Chase Atlantic? didn't take you for that kind"

"I love them"

"can see that" i laugh not knowing what else to say to carry this conversation

"are your friends not here yet?" I ask

"nope, I am early today"

"me to"

We both laugh and sit in a comfortable silence.

"your boyfriend?" he says catching me off guard

"uh what about him?"

"he seems scary"

"yeah but he is a big teddy bear" I smile thinking about Jay

"how did you both meet?" he asks

"he is my tattoo artist and well sparks flew so then he asked me out"

"that's cool"

"yeah I know" I take a sip of my water

"umm... You liked me right?" he asks me and the water stills in my throat making me choke

"why are... You asking me that?"

"I mean... I am curious"

"I did.... past tense"


"yeah, I know you knew but you didn't do anything so I had to find someone who would appreciate me you know. I gave you to much praise and attention something I didn't know was wrong.... I could go on about this for hours so I'll be quite" I tell him

"no please tell me and I'll tell you my reasons please"

"I know that you didn't ever look at me because or your friends and also because of how I look and I don't blame you be..."

I was cut off by him

"don't say that we all are amazing the way we are. I have always noticed you even when you stared at me not so secretly"

"oh, thank you but you made me very insecure so much such that  I couldn't even talk to you"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just... My friends would always say shit so to avoid you from getting hurt I stayed away from you otherwise I would have done something "

My stomach in knots as my crush confesses to me. My heart doing flips why now?! I couldn't believe my eyes or ears

"why only now? Why are you telling me this now when I already have someone"

"I don't know"

I was about to talk when both our friends approach us in a group.

"morning guys, funny seeing you two together"  Tyriq says

"yeah all of you were late" I told them

We all sat on the stairs waiting for the bell to sound for first period.

We had science first so we would be together. I really hope sir doesn't put us in groups again.

We walk to class and i take my seat but instead of Clinton taking his seat next to me...... Chris does

He looks over to me and smiles, confused I give him a small wave and take out my books feeling conflicted.


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