Chapter 6

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That night as Marinette closed up the store a little black blob flew out from his spot and went straight for the leftover cheese pastries sitting in the display case.

"I don't understand why you sell them pigtails," Plagg said, biting through his second cheese pastry.

"Sorry Plagg, but it's not just your favourite there, it's quite popular, but I have an idea for a new recipe we can try tomorrow you get to be the taste tester" Marinette reasoned.

Opening a cupboard she pulled out a cloth and some spray, with that she began wiping down the tables before moving onto the coffee machine which she had yet to touch when Plagg spoke.

"You have a deal spots" Plagg said before flying behind the coffee machine, Marinette found it strange that he suddenly hid unless.

And right on cue she heard a knock at the cafe door, turning she found a blue eyed raven haired boy standing in front of her door with a smile and most likely an empty flask which once contained coffee.

Walking to the door, Marinette unlocked the door, and let the boy in, "you do realised I'm closed right" the raven smiled sheepishly in response.

"I know but, I can't just get coffee from the 24 hour store now can I?" he said with a smile on his face.

"No, no you can't, that's not coffee, just water and powder" she said with a grin tugging at her lips while he chuckled at her comment.

Handing her the empty flask, she walked behind the counter towards the coffee machine, which was filled with coffee beans ready to be brewed.

Tim followed her and leaned against the counter and watched the blunette work away listening to the hum of the machine as she grabbed a small plate and pulled out some leftover sweets, for the two to share.

Marinette grabbed the two cups of coffee and placed it down next to the plate of sweets and walked around the counter and took a seat at the bar stool next to him.

"So" she said, taking a sip, peering over her cup she saw him do the same, "so" he answered back, placing his cup down.

"How was work?" Marinette asked, snagging a coffee flavoured macaron, you could never have enough coffee.

"Boring, trust me I would rather work here, it's heaven no better" he praised, which made Marinette laugh.

Not many people understood their love of coffee and those who did just thought they were addicted to the bitter liquid but it did not only taste incredible but it kept the nightmares away.

Which left the need for sleep every so often with short couple hour naps that ended with nightmares due to the PTSD, but finally having someone who enjoyed coffee for all the same reasons just not knowing half of the reasons was better than being alone.

"Trust me I would hire you, but I heard the CEO job pays better" she replied, "yeah you're not wrong but instead of paying me you could just pay me in coffee" he suggested his smile widening.

"Yeah, not happening, trust me you already ask for like 10 extra shots of espresso in your daily cup, I'm not letting you over-caffeinated. After all, I need someone who agrees that coffee is life." she reasoned.

"Trust me blue, nothings more true than coffee being life" he agreed holding up her cup to which she clicked her own, with a 'cheers',

The two spoke some more till Tim got a call from a man named Alfred who was the family butler and he was incredibly worried that something had happened to Tim. So with a flask filled with coffee he headed out for the day.

With him gone, Marinette locked the doors, and a black little blob flew out, "you know you should tell him how you feel. It's obvious that he feels the same way" the god spoke nibbling on a piece of cheese."

"Plagg, what in the world are you talking about?" Marinette questioned grabbing her bag along with her coat that she slipped over her shoulders.

"You and the coffee boy" he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, "his name's Tim and I don't have feelings for him we're friends"

"You two are almost as oblivious as the kid was before," Plagg ranted flying into Marinette's open purse.

"You up for a round?" she asked the god doing a once over of the acfe before opening the door and locking it from the outside.

"Sure spots, just say the words but you owe my cheese" she grinned at his words walking a few blocks she headed into an alley to where she could transform without being seen.

Walking through the streets of Gotham alone at night was one of the most dangerous things you could do in the city even in the rich side it was said to never go out at night not for any reason but an utmost important emergency.

Walking through the streets Marinette shivered from the cold winds but knew the second she was in her suit she would be fine. Keeping her head down she pulled her jacket close to herself.

But in an alley away from her normal transformation spot she was roughly grabbed by the arm and pulled into the alley and a knife was pressed onto her throat. She was spooked but she could easily take them out.

Small problem though she just had to know how many of them there were before she could take a quick head count she heard a yell from somewhere above her.

"HEY!! leave her alone!!" said a blur that flew in from the shadows and kicked the knife away from the man that held it to her throat, before she knew it someone was fighting two guys at once.

Well, it was one now that he had punched a guy unconscious just as he went for a jab at the second guy a third twice her size emerged from the shadows, without thinking Marinette punched him in the face which ended up with a loud crack.

Most likely her breaking his nose, before the guy could think twice she drop kicked him. Looking she saw the other two guys unconscious and the other one clutching his nose.

"Ma'am, are you ok?" looking across she saw a man standing across from her but from his voice he sounded around her age though there was no way to know. He was wearing a red suit with a black cowl.

He was Red Robin, she had been saved by a bat kid, "yeah I'm fine, you?" she said looking down at her slightly bruised knuckles they would heal in a day or two, if she was being honest punching that guy hurt.

"I'm fine, please be careful and don't walk home alone at night" he said staring at her, she couldn't tell what he was thinking as his eyes were covered with blank white fabric, he was most likely analysing her.

"Cops should be here soon, do you live near here?" he asked a slight edge in his voce during the second half of his question. By here he meant the dangerous side of Gotham.

"I live a few blocks away, I should be fine in the rest of the home." Marinette stated, though it was somewhat a lie, it was also true. She did live a few streets away, the only lie would be she wasn't actually going to go home.

"Let me at least walk you home, I rather not have to save you twice in the same night" Red Robin said as she walked out the alley pulling her jacket closer.

"Trust me, I'll be fine to walk a few blocks" she started walking around only for him to walk faster just to catch up with her. For a small little lady she could walk fast.

"Please allow me, for the sake of my own conscious" the vigilante said and Marinette sighed before finally agreeing with the hero. 

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