Chapter 9

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As Marinette walked into the building she Plagg fly out her bag along with Wayz, "master are you alright?" the turtle kwami asked.

"I'm fine Wayz trust me we could handle that easily it's not like we haven't dealt with worse," she responded only receiving a sad expression from the god.

"Hey pigtails you owe me cheese" Plagg said, taking a seat on her shoulder walking through the dimly lit building as she walked up the staircase that squeaked and threatened to break beneath her feet, the building was falling to pieces.

"Once we get to our floor" she responded the house had been horrible when she first moved in, though at the time it had been red hoods turf for only a little while.

The cream paint had started to peel, the floorboards were scrapped and years old the windows wouldn't close and even if you could get them to the windows were cracked or half broken.

The winters were especially cold in the building, Marinette lived in the third floor as it was the cleanest and it something were to go wrong it had a somewhat trustable fire escape attached to the side, the building had five layers when looking through them for the first time she had found the first to be completely ransacked.

Leaving nothing but broken glass, cigarettes and beer cans clearly someone had used the first floor probably by some troublesome teenagers at least she hoped that was the case though who knows. The walls and carpet were covered in stains.

The second floor was better than the first floor. A couch that was scratched beyond compare and with springs sticking out from every side. A bathroom with the sink was half on the ground, the kitchen had broken plates all over the floor clearly something had happened.

The third floor had clearly been used the least though it was empty and had glass from broken windows here and there. The carpet was a foul green and half of the walls were plain whereas the rest had a strange spotty wallpaper attached clearly the previous homeowner never finished the job.

Yet the real question was were they putting up or taking down the wallpaper? Though this was months ago just as Marinette moved in.

Ever since moving she had cleaned up all the broken glass and the bottom floor though and gotten rid of the wallpaper though she hadn't done much else in the off chance she was robbed it was better to make that the place looking uninhibited than lived in.

Her own home was a mattress with a couple of sheets and a wardrobe that kept her clothes along with a small mini fridge for things such as cheese and other necessities though she never really bought much food she would just eat at the cafe most days.

Sometimes she would miss Paris and her life before this with a home and family though that was in the past and she could no longer have that way of life but she had new friends, and a life with no less secrets and less people to hide them from. 

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