Chapter 10

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The next day when Tim entered the store he had no idea what to say or do, should he bring up what happened last night but how would that go without him revealing his identity. Or should he not bring it up entirely.

Entering the store he was greeted with the familiar smell of frehly brewed coffee, the smell of scones straight out of the oven and an overall enchanting scent of home.

Marinette could've made a candle from the scent it would've sold out in minutes.

"Hey Tim" Marinette called from behind teh counter as he walked over to the counter taking a seat on a bar stool. "Hey Mare, smells good in here" he answered taking the glass of coffee that had already been put at his usual seat.

"New scone recipe tell me what you think?" she said placing down a small plate with thr goods plated, though wasn't what had caught his attention.

"What happened to your hand?" he asked already knowing the answer.

"Some one tried to mug me?" she answered looking down at her bruised hand.

"Tried?" he questrioned

"Red Robin showed up and saved me, I punched a guy right before he showed" she gestured said hand.

"You ok though?" he presed on

"I'm fine Timmy trust me I would tell you if I wasn't. Now try the scones"

"Yes ma'am" he saluted

Finally finished with his afternoon of work, Tim gathered his things stuffing them into a satchel and left his office happy to be done for the day and the best way to celebrate another day done was to visit Marinette.

"Dick, what are you doing here?" Tim asked surprised at the sight of his oldest brother, sitting in his usual seat eating macaroons whilist talking to Marinette. 

"Had to see why this place was so special and it is even better than I imagined that and I had to meet the your girlfrined and to think i had to hear about it from Jason to" Dick spoke praisingly.

As both Marinette and Tim's cheeks blushed a bright crimsion, the two sputtered for a few moments usure of what to say, "shes not my girlfriend" Tim finally spoke.

"Hey you guys don't have to lie to me, I'll keep it a secret" he answered with a grin taking another macaron.

"No he's right we're not together, not that I wouldn't love to date Tim, hes a great guy and- were just friends" she stated finally done with her nervous ramble.

"You sure, you're just friends" he asked and was met with twin nods.

"If you say so but trust me you two are very cute togther." Dick said getting up from his seat.

"See ya lovebirds" he called leaving the cafe.

The two stood their in a moment of silence before Marinette finally spoke

"He's not going to listen to us is he?"


Le cafe du chat - TiminetteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang